First swim in the sea

While I was sleeping, preparing for the trip to Nicosia, my mother took Maxim for his first swim in the sea. She said that he looked confused at first by all this water as he didn’t know what it was, why was it there, and what he could do with it. But when he realized that he could splash it all he want, he got OK and did only that – splashed all the water he could.

Yet another mileston in his development.

Granma back in town

Granma back in town

Maxim’s grandma (my mother) is back in Cyprus. She arrived today via rather crowded airport of Larnaca and she will stay with us for the next two weeks.

It was interesting to see how both of them (her and Maxim) were rediscovering each other. Maxim didn’t remember her at all. That’s not surprising as he was only about one month old when he saw for the last time. Now he is about four and a half. She didn’t recognize him as well. He has grown and matured and changed a lot.

Lots of emotions and warm feelings are floating around…

Album location: /photos/2005/2005-07-10_POTD/


It seems that we are breeding a drummer. For the last couple of days Maxim is drumming with his legs on everything he can touch. We put him in his cradle, he find the edges and drums. We hold him vertically, he finds the surface and drums. He does it rather strengthfully and for extended periods of time. For example, when I took him for a walk today, he was drumming with his legs for almost three and a half hours! Minus the thirty minutes that he slept.

I guess he is not hurting himself much, because he seems rather happy while doing it. He even smiles occasionally. Maybe he is training his leg muscles for walking times that will hopefully arive soon.