Trying out CloudFlare

I’ve heard a few mentions of CloudFlare before, but I never gave it much attention. Today, after reading this blog post, I decided to give it a try.

What’s more, that 30-40% increase that people used to see is now in the range of at least 50-60% as the team continues to find ways to make CloudFlare faster, while still offering security at the forefront.

What is CloudFlare, you ask?  As per their own website:

CloudFlare protects and accelerates any website online. Once your website is a part of the CloudFlare community, its web traffic is routed through our intelligent global network. We automatically optimize the delivery of your web pages so your visitors get the fastest page load times and best performance. We also block threats and limit abusive bots and crawlers from wasting your bandwidth and server resources. The result: CloudFlare-powered websites see a significant improvement in performance and a decrease in spam and other attacks.

In simple terms: CloudFlare is very cheap (even free) content delivery network (CDN).  It provides speed and security improvements, and it is extremely easy to configure.  I know so, because I’ve already registered for the free account and configured this site to benefit from the service.  Whether it actually lives up to all the hype – I don’t know yet, but I’ll see in the next few days.  I suspect it does, since there are numerous positive reviews around the web.  I will of course let you know.  Especially if you remind me.



InnoDB is better for SugarCRM

After SugarCRM was deployed, we were experiencing some lock ups.  Not frequent or dangerous, but annoying.  About once a week or every ten days or so, SugarCRM would lock up and won’t answer any queries at all.  Not even the login was possible.  A brief investigation showed that somehow it was locking up the MySQL database – about 15 processes (using “show full processlist”) in Locked state, with no data being sent back or forth.  All locked queries were rather complex, with several JOINs.  The load on the system was somewhat high, since we have about a few dozen operators working on it at the same time.

A similarly brief Google search suggested (see here and here) and explained converting MySQL tables from InnoDB to InnoDB.  A test has been performed and everything went OK.  Our SugarCRM database is about 600 MBytes and it was converted from MyISAM to InnoDB in under 20 minutes.  The best part is that it takes even less to convert back to MyISAM, in case you change your mind.

It’s been a few days now since we did the conversion and it looks OK.  Also, the CRM itself feels a bit faster.

Portability and flexibility win over performance

I noticed this ticket in WordPress TracChange enum to varchar and went in to see if there is any heated discussion.  The issue is around field types used in SQL scheme for WordPress tables.  Certain fields, such post status employed ENUM type with a set of allowed values.  The proposed change in the ticket is to convert them to VARCHAR type.

Why the change?  Well, VARCHAR is just a text field.  Anyone can put pretty much any string into it.  It has more flexibility for plugin developers and future changes – no need to tweak the SQL scheme.  ENUM on the other hand works a little bit faster.

Side note: I also thought that ENUM provides some extra data validation, assuming the ENUM field is set to NOT NULL, but it turns out this is not the case.  If you insert a record with a value which is not in the list, the NULL is used. 

The change has been approved, the patch was attached, and the world will see it in the next WordPress release.  Once again, it has been proven that human time is much more valuable than machine time.  Making it easier for plugin developers to extend and change the system has more value than that of a few extra CPU cycles to lookup in strings instead of numbers.

Bloat is bad for you and your code

Steve Yegge has posted yet another of his excellent (and long) rants.  This time he talks about the size of code and why one should jump out of its skin to keep it minimal.

 Most programmers have successfully compartmentalized their beliefs about code base size. Java programmers are unusually severe offenders but are by no means the only ones. In one compartment, they know big code bases are bad. It only takes grade-school arithmetic to appreciate just how bad they can be. If you have a million lines of code, at 50 lines per “page”, that’s 20,000 pages of code. How long would it take you to read a 20,000-page instruction manual? The effort to simply browse the code base and try to discern its overall structure could take weeks or even months, depending on its density. Significant architectural changes could take months or even years.

As I said, it’s a long piece. But it’s worth every paragraph. Even though some Java programmers might be slightly offended by the article, I’m sure it’s not intentional.

RegExp reminder

I was just reminded about this small thing, which is so easy to forget – regular expressions that have markers of line start (^) and/or line end($) are so much faster than those regexps that don’t have these markers. The thing is that with line start/end marker regexp engine needs to make only one match/substution, whereas when there is no such markers, it has to repeat the match/substitution operation at every character of the string.

In practice, it’s unbelievable how much difference this can make. Especially when using complex regular expressions over large data sets.

P.S.: I understand that it is not always possible to use these markers, but I think that they can be used much more often than they are. Everywhere.