The Google Pagerank Algorithm and How It Works

The Google Pagerank Algorithm and How It Works” by Ian Rogers is an interesting articles that explains the power behind Google search engine, complete with formulas and examples. This is a must read for everyone who is interested in promoting websites.

Google Blog

It is already all over the web (Slashdot article), but I’ll mention it anyway – there is now a Google blog. There are only a couple of posts now, but I hope it will get on. Interesting how it gets a company that provides a service 18 month to start using it. But they are by no means alone in this behaviour. :)

…one more channel to zip through…

Blogs are the TV of the Internet. Reading them is fun, but they are not particularly challenging.

Plenty of channels to choose from though.

Miguel de Icaza’s web log


There was yet another story about Google on Slashdot today. Deep down in the comments, there was an interesting URL to is a site that handles search match count battles for different terms. For example, “linux” vs “windows”. Which one do you think returns more search results? Check it out. They also have a hall of fame with a number of “wars”. And there is a battle of the month. If that is not enough, anyone can enter a couple of words in the search form and see what happens.

Meanwhile, my Google Ads are doing just fine. My balance with Google suggests that they will be sending me a check this year. (Yes, year so far). :)

Google ads

I’ve noticed recently an increase in advertizing of Google ads. Lots of sites do have Google ads, so I decided to try it out. As you can see, I’ve added a vertical bar on the right to all blog pages. I’ll see how it will go and if I like it then I’ll add it to other parts of the site. I guess that “Writings” would be the most appropriate place.