Daily del.icio.us bookmarks

Some random stuff for today.

These were shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user tvset on 2005-08-26.

Java, CVS, and documentation

Last few days were pretty active. First of all, I was playing with apache, JBoss and resin setup. I managed to get them to work together, although failed to make resin handle web apps from the /.

I also spent a fair amount of time on CVS, mutt+gnupg, CA with openssl and some other stuff. CVS makes me happy. I’ve read about some BSD application called arch, which is supposed to be even better then CVS, though the port for Linux is not complete yet, so be it :) Mutt was pretty easy to set up with gnupg. Actually, it happened so, that I had pgp support compiled in for ages, and gpg.rc configuration file was kindly provided with the distribution of mutt package.

Now I am about to write several technical documents for our company internal use, so I was looking for the right way to do it. Office suits were not even thought of, after I remembered my Final Year Project preparation in MS Office. Yuck, that was a pain in the … Hmm.. Mkay. So, I went off to the direction of XML and SGML, but that land is a bit confusing. DocBook followed with recomendations from Linux Documentaion Project (aka LDP). All roads lead to Rome, though and I ended up with TeX idea in my head. I will live it through over the weekend and I will decide finally what to use.