“Why you should stop using product roadmaps and try GIST Planning” is an interesting look at project management. While I don’t GIST is easily implementable in most companies, mostly due to the change resistance, familiarity and tools, I still think it’s an interesting approach that deserves attention.
Tag: collaboration
15 Tips to Enhance your Github Flow
“15 Tips to Enhance your Github Flow” has lots and lots of good advice for anyone working with GitHub. Tips vary from PR templates all the way to automated dependency management and updates. Really useful!
A guide for how to talk to a developer
“A guide for how to talk to a developer“:
We built this resource to help you better communicate with any developers and other technical people that you work with. These flashcards teach and review basic technology vocabulary and computer science terms. We hope it’s helpful to you as you hire, manage, and collaborate with software engineers, your CTO, or other members of your technical team.
The guide is a collection of flip cards, broken down into three categories:
- Computer Science (29 cards)
- Languages and Frameworks (25 cards)
- Developer Tools (12 cards)
Super cool!
Stack Overflow for Teams is Now Available
StackOverflow, the greatest online resource for developers, has announced the availability of the StackOverflow for Teams. This is a spin off service which allows developer teams to run private instances of StackOverflow for knowledge and information sharing needed for non-public projects.
This sounds like a great tool to replace a variety of missing and outdated information in wiki’s, README files, and emails that every software project eventually gathers.
Zulip – Open Source team chat with threads
Zulip is yet another Open Source team chat solution (much like Rocket.Chat). It has a number of cool features, including Markdown support for messages and drag-n-drop uploads, numerous integrations, and can be used as a self-hosted solution or as a SaaS.