Jerry Hargrove – Cloud Diagrams & Notes is an excellent resource for (mostly Amazon AWS) cloud diagrams and notes. I’m sure I’ve seen some of these around, but never thought to visit the original site. To some degree, these are similar to the Julia Evans’ drawings, but are more subject specific.
Category: Web work
These days, most of my work is very related to the online world. Building web sites, reviewing web applications, integrating with web services, coordinating people who are far away from each other, etc. Whenever I find a new tool or service or an innovative, interesting idea about working online, I share it in this category.
New in PHP 7.4
“New in PHP 7.4” is a quick and simple introduction into changes and new features of the upcoming PHP 7.4, which is planned for release in December of 2019. In brief:
- Preloading (parsed source code caching)
- Typed properties
- Improved type variance
- FFI (Foreign Function Interface) – a way to run C code from within PHP
- Null coalescing assignment operator (??=)
- ext-hash always enabled
- Password hashing registry
GrumPHP – PHP quality control tool
GrumPHP is yet another quality control tool for PHP. But unlike a million other – PHPUnit, PHP CodeSniffer, and the like – this one is more of a tying knot. GrumPHP integrates via git hooks. It runs one more of the other tools, making sure that the changes you are committing are up to the par.
The support for other tools is excellent. You’ll find anything from the basic unit tests and coding style checks to commit message formatting and content, Robo tasks, and even custom shell scripts.
Monorepos: Please don’t!
I have only recently discovered the concept of monorepos. It does sound interesting and I am yet to try it out, or, at least, dig deeper into the subject. But then, there are people who have strong opinions against them, and I the reasoning makes all the sense to me. Here’s a nice one: Monorepos: Please don’t!
Swap – currency exchange rates library
Swap is a currency exchange rates library for PHP. It provides a single interface to conveniently work with currency exchange rates and integrates with more than a dozen of different exchange rates providers.