Trailer : Office 2010

There are only three things that I can say about this trailer:

  1. It is hilarious.
  2. It probably did more to promote Microsoft Office 2010 than anything else. Combined.
  3. Well done!


If that was a real movie, I would by it on DVD.

Trailer : Gamer

This is yet another film to wait for – “Gamer“.  It’s like a mix of “The Running Man”, with the main character being controlled, and the “Death Race” with computer games instead of car racing.  It’s also directed by the same guys who did “Crank” and “Crank : High Voltage” movies. Engjoy!


Trailer : 2012

The weather is getting weirder and more unpredictable every year.  Global warming and environment related topics get more and more coverage in the media.  And movie industry is keeping up.  First there was “The Day After Tomorrow“, and now this: 2012.
