PHP Smart Analyzer

PHP Smart Analyzer (or PHPSA for short) is yet another item in a growing list of tools for PHP code static analysis.  It’s in an early alpha state, but looking at the list of goals, it’s quite promising.

If that’s up your valley, have a look also at PHPQA and PHPStan, which I wrote about earlier.

House Affordability Calculator has this nice Affordability Calculator, which, given a few basic numbers, helps one estimate the price of the house that will comfortably fit into the budget (yeah, those are the words they use).  It’s a nice tool for people who have been saving up to buy a property.  For me though, no matter what I put, it returns this:

Nothing new here, but it’s always good to get a confirmation from another source.

Choosing a future JavaScript framework for WordPress

WordPress in general, and Matt Mullenweg in particular have been pushing for JavaScript for a while now.

So, it’s not surprising that WordPress developers are chatting about the JavaScript framework that they’ll use for the WordPress core JavaScript needs.

The discussion is far from finalized right now, so it’s particularly interesting to see how it develops, both in IRC/Slack chatrooms and in Make WordPress p2 comments.

So far, there are two primary contenders – React and Vue.  I have zero experience with either one (or pretty much with any JavaScript frameworks, trying to avoid JavaScript as much as I can), but I’m still interested in the reasoning that goes behind the choice, especially so, from the people who know so much in this domains.