Data loss prevention software

Data loss prevention software – theory. Symantec DLP – implementation.

Data loss/leak prevention solution is a system that is designed to detect potential data breach / data ex-filtration transmissions and prevent them by monitoring, detecting and blocking sensitive data while in-use (endpoint actions), in-motion (network traffic), and at-rest (data storage). In data leakage incidents, sensitive data is disclosed to unauthorized personnel either by malicious intent or inadvertent mistake. Such sensitive data can come in the form of private or company information, intellectual property (IP), financial or patient information, credit-card data, and other information depending on the business and the industry.

Facebook is dead

facebook is dead

Now that’s something you don’t see every day: the whole of Facebook is down – the website, the APIs, the social buttons, etc.

Oh, and I think they need to update the copyright year on this page.

Jokes from the office folks:

How many “f*cks” per second do you think one could hear in the Facebook office right now?

The productivity of the whole world just spiked!

Fun stuff from Twitter: