Estimating sunset time with your hand

I came across this handy tip over at Lifehacker website.  I think that’s pretty useful for outdoor photography, when camera people want to some of the best sky colors.

All you need to do is extend the hand full and count the number of finger width distances between the sun and the horizon.  Each finger is approximately 15 minutes, which means each hand is about an hour.  This is of course just an approximation, but it’s always better to have an approximation than nothing at all.  Enjoy.

Solution to WordPress with WP Super Cache blank pages problem

This took me a while to figure out, so I’ll post it here in case someone else ever gets into this problem.  After enabling WP Super Cache for a project at work, we’ve started seeing really weird and really random white page issues.  WordPress would show a blank page and then a few minutes later it would start working again.  But then it would disappear and so on and so forth.

Tracking the issue down, I’ve tweaked the WP Super Cache configuration quite a bit, but that didn’t help.  And I was sure that it was related to WP Super Cache, since periods of appearing and disappearing were consistent with cache timeout settings.  Browsing through WordPress support forums (threads one, two, and three) game an idea that it wasn’t just WP Super Cache on its own, but a combination of WP Super Cache plugin with something else on the system.

After a lengthy troubleshooting process, I think I nailed it.  APC – an alternative PHP cache module – wasn’t friendly with WP Super Cache.  So, as a short-term solution to the problem, I’ve disabled the APC and now everything seems to work well.  I’m a bit busy now to troubleshoot the problem further, but if you have any idea of why that could be happening, please share.

hack {cyprus} *12 presentations

As I mentioned in a post yesterday, I was going to see the presentations of project on the first Cyprus hackathon.  And I went.  And it was awesome!

It was a bit tricky to find and I nearly missed it, as I didn’t know all the buildings that belong to Cyprus University of Technology.  Luckily, I spotted a bunch of people in black t-shirts outside of the building.  And there are only three groups of people that wear black t-shirts: geeks, hard rock fans, and policemen.  I approached carefully, and once I knew these weren’t the police, I knew I would blend in and have a good time.

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