- I favorited a YouTube video — Алексей Архиповский "Ваня" http://youtu.be/ZWToyAAIPEc?a #
- I favorited a YouTube video — „Come as you are" Nirvana's hit – an exciting new cover … http://youtu.be/mggkFMjasYw?a #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Мне кажется это лучший кавер на Europa – Final Countdown http://youtu.be/KdOQ46uAqU8?a #
- Hello a much needed Friday. I'm tired this week. Accomplished plenty. #
- XDA Exclusive: Gingerbread 2.3 / Nexus S Pictures (Update) | xda-developers http://bit.ly/hqyZ9n #
- For a lot of my friends this black friday turned out to be black indeed. But not in the shopping kind of way. #
Year: 2010
Day in brief
- I favorited a YouTube video — Simon's Cat: Beyond the Fence – UK Television Advert http://youtu.be/l9EYkdFsP2w?a #
- Fascinating read: A Vegan No More | Voracious http://bit.ly/gAwaEQ #
- Zim – a desktop wiki. Alternative to Gnote and Tomboy. http://bit.ly/e4DNG1 #
- Watch Aurora Borealis timelapse HD – Tromsø 2010 on Vimeo! http://vimeo.com/16917950 #
- Bookmarked: Музей советских игровых автоматов http://15kop.ru/ #
- Shared: CY introducing tough new baggage rules http://bit.ly/hNbOIl #
- Meeting with clients is a guarantee for a stream of new ideas. #
Day in brief
- If it was up to me,I'd paint the whole world in black and white,and got rid of all shapes except squares.That's how much of a designer I am. #
- If you use MS Internet Explorer, most web developers don't actually care about your experience. Because you don't care about theirs. #
- Shared: Akismet: 20 Billion Served http://bit.ly/hOPrzn #
- Shared: Silver lining to Cyprus clouds http://bit.ly/h5kg0R #
- Shared: Being in EU costing us each €18 a year http://bit.ly/g87lTD #
- I favorited a YouTube video — TEBAATUSASULA.flv http://youtu.be/CrtqZEobJSg?a #
- It seems I'm getting a new habit into my fingers. I run 'git status || git init' almost as often as I change directory (cd). #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Алюминиевые огурцы – Камерный хор Смольного собора http://youtu.be/IbZWaKDdLjc?a #
- Remind me later to tell you about the importance of Power Rangers. #
Day in brief
- Overheard someone say today: gay people must be smart, because stupid people would never think of that. LOL. :) #
20 must see TED videos for Computer Science people
Masters in Computer Science collected and described 20 must see TED videos for Computer Scientists. I previously saw some of these, but it’s nice to have them all handy in one place. If you prefer TED’s video player, click through to get the list. I personally like YouTube better. So I collected all these videos into a public playlist, which you can watch, bookmark, and share.
Continue reading 20 must see TED videos for Computer Science people