Inglourious Basterds, art, Haiti

UnrealityMag runs a post with a whole bunch of posters for “Inglourious Basterds” movie.  These posters were drawn by various artists and are now collected into an exhibition.  But not only that!  Quentin Tarantino himself, signs the posters, which are being sold and all the money donated to help with the recent Haiti disaster.  Is that cool or what?  Check the link for more posters.

Lots of snow

If you are in the mood for some cold weather, ice and snow, check out these pictures.  It’s amazing what mother nature can do sometimes.

My dad told me a story of a similar snow fall that he experienced once when he was a kid.  They had to dig their way out of the house and into the main street.  He said that they walked over the garden fence without even noticing it.  This sounds awesome, but I bet you blisters from the shovel will cut into the fun part of it.

New York Times on Google Buzz

New York Times runs a good story on Google Buzz.  It’s a gentle introduction into what Google Buzz is, and how it compares with some other social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and FriendFeed.  If you are still trying to make sense of this whole Google Buzz thing, you should definitely read that.

As for me, I do enjoy Google Buzz quite a bit.  It removes the almost unnecessary limit of 140 characters per post, doesn’t limit me to only text, and somehow seems to connect me with just the right people.  And what’s even more important, now I get notified of the follow-ups directly in my Gmail inbox.

There are a few annoyances here and there – like seeing follow-ups in both Google Reader comments view and Gmail inbox – but I’m sure they will get sorted out eventually.  Overall, Google Buzz is a useful and simple to use service, and I already see that I tend to Google Buzz more than Twitter.