Minimum salary in Cyprus

Living and working in Cyprus, I am often asked by people from other countries what are salaries like in Cyprus.  I never had a good answer to the question, because the answer depends a lot on the company you’ll be working for and your position.  Even the range for the same position across different companies can vary 3-4 times easily.

Cyprus Mail reports that the government had decided to increase the minimum wage (salary).  Gladly, the article provides a reference for average salary across the island.

THE MINIMUM wage is being increased to €887 from €840 effective from Thursday, the Labour Advisory Committee announced yesterday. Final approval for the 5.6 per cent increase, which will bring the minimum wage to 50 per cent of the average national wage, rests with the Cabinet.

So, this means that the while the minimum wage will now be €887, the average is twice that much – €1774.  That’s good to know.  Now I have an a better answer for all those people who are asking.

79 thoughts on “Minimum salary in Cyprus”

  1. Unfortunately you can't rely on "twice" much, because minimum wage is the bottom, this won't affect much the others except those who had 840 euro per month.

    Even if this will affect the average wage, 5.6 percents increase will be eaten by the taxes/inflation.

    1. Andrey,

      government does not directly control the average wage. Average wage is a statistical fact – what is already out there. The minimum wage can be controlled by the law and now it is being pushed up. THE LEVEL to which it is being pushed up is said to be half of the average salary. Which means that on average, across the country, people are ALREADY earning 1774 EUR. And that's the indicator that I have been looking for.

      Taxes and other deductions are not included, of course.

      1. i am a student i am studying in nicosia Casa college can i get a job plz ..i can do every type of job..plz help me tell me jobs nd sallaries

  2. I'm interested in working in a 5* hotel,as a waiter or in room service,with my wife in housekeeping or general cleaning,and with accomodation and boarding inside the facilities.What would be the wage of our jobs?

  3. Even though Cyprus has such mediocre/low average salaries compared with most of the West, how can one explain the 500,000Euro houses popping up everywhere and the fact that 1 in every 5 automobiles is approx 40,000EU + Mercedes/BMW/Porsche? Is there sth shady going on we are not being made aware of?

    1. My guess is that most of the expensive houses belong to people with incomes from abroad (Russians and such) and most expensive cars are bought through loans. And then there are lawyers and doctors, who get a lot of cash payments that don’t show up in any statistics.

  4. i have a work visa of cyprus and work is as labour in a addvertisement agency means hoardings,banners posters etc what would be the minimum salary? plz reply i have to leave to cyprus but all is on your opinion they offer me 675 euros

      1. Hi

        Been following this blog, and you need to mention that minimum wage is set for six SPECIFIC occupations – sales staff, clerical workers, auxiliary healthcare staff and auxiliary staff in nursery schools, crèches and schools.
        For the remaining occupations MINIMUM wage is set by the various trade unions. So she wil need to check what union covers Advertising Agencies and then contact them directly.

        It may fall under the Federation of private workers – SEK-OIYK

  5. When you say €887, do you mean on a monthly basis or bi-weekly?
    I’m from the west and I’m offered about €40000/annum to work in Limassol in an Accounting/Finance/Operations opening. Is this a good or above average salary? Will it be sufficient to start from scratch in the area? (New home/car/furniture).
    I’m not trying to be vain or greedy, but I would prefer something better then what I’m getting in Canada if I decide to move to a different country. My current salary expectation in Canada would be around $55k+

    1. Salaries here are on a monthly basis. 40,000/annum is more than 3,000 a month, which is well above average salary.

      As to whether this will be enough or not – that depends on what you are used to, your expectations. In my personal opinion – yes, that will be enough.

      1. I was offered EUR700 as a housekeeper in a hotel, overtime is not included yet. My question is how much is the overtime there in Cyprus? I’m an Asian.

    2. Bro can u find a job of any work for me or do u have any work. I am frm pakistan qualification is just 2nd year but i have management and bussiness experience

  6. Good afternoon,
    I will need to hire at Cyprus 3 technicians in electromechanic, to do industrial maintenance ( electricity and mechanic ), speaking well english, and having around 5 years of experience in Industrial maintenance ( which around 25 years old ).
    And I will need to hired 1 technicians in Electromechanic, to be the team leader, and having around 10 years of experience.

    Which gross salary do I need to propose for each profile ?

  7. Hi Leonid,

    What is the average salary paid for a Foreign Exchange Dealer with 3 years experience in Forex and a total of 6 years experience in Financial institutions?


  8. καλησπερα ειμαι ηλεκτρολογος με 10ετη πειρα
    μηπως γνωριζετε ποσο ειναι εκει ο μισθος?
    γτ το σκεφτομαι για κυπρο μονιμα

  9. somebody tell me if ive to work just for 4hours a day wot can i earn per hour?
    bcz im planning to visit cyprus as a student and i wana support myself financially overthere
    so is it possible?

  10. Hello,
    i ve got an offer from my company branch in cyprus they didn’t mention about salary my salary here in egypt is about 1250 euro oops i’m an interior designer so do you think its okay to stay there ??

  11. hello….i would like to know if is possible what is the salary for a waitress in limassol,in a good restaurant? thanks:)

  12. How much a part time job wages when you are a student and you are only alowed 20 hours per week.??? plz someone help me

  13. i would like to be informed about the wage in the restaurant
    iam paid as 4.27 per hour i work 5 hours a day 6 days a week
    i work in limassol in that restaurant since 2003
    and by the way it is the only job i do since august , 2010
    is that legal or not?

      1. if i have to work just for 8 hours a day how mush can i earn per hour?
        bcz im planning to visit cyprus as a student
        iz it possible???

        1. In general, students aren’t allowed to work either. There are some exceptions for part-time work for students who study travel and tourism, I think. But you’d have to clear those with the college and immigration authorities.

          It’s been a while since I checked.

  14. i have a security gaurd visa and salary is 700 euro. can i do part time job. I have basic computer hardware knowledge like wondows installation saftware installation and trouble shooting

  15. Plz tell me urgant. I have a security gaurd visa and salary is 700 euro. can i do part time job. I have basic computer hardware knowledge like wondows installation software installation and trouble shooting

  16. Hi,
    I’ll have a position in the private health care sector as consultant doctor for A&E. But the asked me the salary which makes me happy. Has anybody idea about the medical doctor’s salary?

  17. Hi i m going to work in cyprus but i want to know just is that possible that i can change my job profile from bell boy to waiter

  18. hi bro if a student passed acca from cyprus after the completion of this degree can he do job in banks or companies if ha can than how much he can earn per month

  19. I’m interested in working in supermarket or , kitchen helper , with my wife in housekeeping or general cleaning,and with accomodation and boarding inside the facilities.What would be the wage of our jobs? even job will be separate stay together possible ? I am from Nepal.

  20. i am going to get admission in ‘near east university” with my education can i work over there just for 3 to 4 hours…plz reply

  21. Friend. I am studying bachelor of computer application in india.
    I will finish my degree after 2year and then any job vacancy in Cyprus…?? And also what’s the salary for this work…???

  22. Hi there, I was offered a 850 Euro net salary in a tourism related company for an 8 hour x 6 days a week schedule. Apart from position accepted (requiring expertise and higher education), expected to work in other departments when needed. Is this a normal pay or am I being underpaid? can one live with this amount in cyprus?

    1. Hi Eve. If I remember correctly, the minimum salary is about 890 euro, so this one isn’t even legal. For a position requiring higher education and for six days a week, this is definitely too low.

  23. I came to visit my brother with a visitors visa,now I don’t want to go back to my country again,can I get work permit in Cyprus?please help me

  24. its so interesting. am a Nigerian i want to relocate to cyprus how can i go about it, please help. i do cleaning and i have 10 yrs exp in hotel (house keeping)

  25. Pls, am coming to cyprus next year as master degree student, how much will I have to be paid if I wanna work. Pls reply as soon as possible

  26. HI i have got admission in CIU so i am just confuse that can i do part time job with my study and tell what type of jobs can offer to international students ………..???????/

  27. I am planning to stdy Masters in cyperus. And i jst want to know how much salary i will get if i do a part time job in cyperus.

  28. What is job opportunities for ayurvedic doctor over there and what is payments ….reply to whats up no 09960328520

  29. i want to visit cyprus in student visa. How much student can earn in a week and in month? Is his earning will able to meet his expenses lyk normal accomadtion n academic fee? n Is it possible for student to take own apartment in rent for living?

  30. hello i m coming to cyprus for studying hotel management course but i m allready done my bsc nursing so plz tell me can i job in anykind of hospital or any doctor clinic

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