Theme change – Cutline 3 column

It’s that time of year again, when I feel like breaking the stuff that works and changing the all familiar looks. I’m currently changing the theme of this blog to Cutline 3 column, as well as fixing a bunch of outstanding stuff (like broken RSS feed). Things are shaky, but by now you should be used to it.

I’ll let you know once I’m finished… Thank you for your patience.

Email and RSS

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about email and RSS. These are two different ways to communicate and notify, with each having its own pros and cons. Here is a nice summary of pros and cons.

I am getting more than half of my daily information either via email or via RSS feeds. And during the last few years I saw several shifts changing towards one, then back to the other, and then back all over again. Being so different, both email and RSS are extremely useful. And as much as I’d love to have all of my stuff in one place, I don’t think I’ll be losing either one of these any time soon.

One of the things that I’ve noticed happening is a return of trust to email subscriptions. Before, I wouldn’t have bothered with giving my email address to a web site that I see for the first time. They’d probably send me SPAM, and I’d probably have no way to unsubscribe.

These days though, many web sites use standard software, like WordPress, with standard plugins, like send follow-up comments to email. Surprisingly, this makes the difference. While I still don’t trust the site, I trust the software that it uses. I know that there will probably a working link to unsubscribe from further emails in each message they’ll send. I see that I’m using this feature on other sites more and more.

With this, I have a better combination of notifications. Before I was subscribing to comment feeds on sites where I left comments and that created a mess in my feed reader. I had some feeds that I couldn’t even remember how got in. But now, I subscribe to feeds of the most interesting sites, email alerts for search results that I care about, and comments follow-ups via email.

It seems to work nicely…

Donate for Greece

If you are not living in your own world, you probably know that for the last few days Greece and some neighboring countries were fighting with heavy fires. In Greece alone more than 50 people died already, with many villages destroyed and endangered. No doubt that this will negatively affect the Greek economy and people.

In times like this, any little help counts. You too can help. Most banks in Cyprus have opened accounts to make donations for the cause as fast and simple as possible. According to this Phileleftheros article, here are the bank account numbers:

Τράπεζα Κύπρου 0127-05-039591
Marfin Laiki 017-08-052078
Ελληνική Τράπεζα 105-10-407509-00
Συνεργατική Κεντρική Τράπεζα 40-02488-7
Τράπεζα Alpha 202-101-003225-4
Εθνική Τράπεζα της Ελλάδος 525/540732-7
Universal Bank 152-1-9999993-12012
Emporiki Bank 45310005058-03
Arab Bank 1301-402058-540
Eurobank EFG 200100000127
Societe General 32-38070-0081-01-4
Κυπριακή Τράπεζα Αναπτύξεως 300/00001174

With most banks supporting online transfers, your donation is only a few clicks away.