Dilbert needs your help

It’s not the first time that Scott Adams asks for helps with his Dilbert comics, but today’s plea really put the comments area on fire.

I need a punchline for the Dilbert comic I’m working on. I’m trying to think of the worst/funniest thing that you could be accused of doing in the office.

Go read those comments. If there’s something funny missing, put it on, and maybe you’ll even end up with a memorable Dilbert episode on your wall.

Yahoo! HR interview with a few tips

Guy Kawasaki interviews Libby Sartain, who “is responsible for leading Yahoo! Inc.’s global human resources efforts and managing and developing the human resources team”. The interview provides a few insights on how to get into Yahoo!, as well as explains why interviews at everyone-wants-to-work-for companies are so hard sometimes:

For the last few years, we have received more than 120,000 resumes a year. So, we start with about 50/1 ratio, but when we narrow that down to actual qualified candidates, we see about ten for every job.

Also, here are a few hints on how to improve your resume.

Geotagging with Flickr

Flickr has integrated geotagging. Now you can tag your photos with locations you shot them at, and everyone can browse through places, checking out the views and events. Geotagging is a hot topic these days, and Flickr diving right in is definitely a good idea. If nothing else, it’ll provide for yet another boost for GPS and other navigation technologies. I’m all for it.

Flickr’s great for exploring photos by photographer, tag, time, text and group, and now it’s also great for exploring photos by place.

Via FlickrBlog.

Memory, memory, memory

One of the greatest things about my new P910i phone is that it supports an additional memory card of up to 1 GByte. My old P800 had a limit of 128 MBytes and that was way too low, considering my podcasting needs.

Today I passed by Computer World shop and bought myself a 1 GByte Memory Stick Pro Duo. They were selling at a reasonable price of 50 CYP.

I’m already downloading podcasts to my phone as I write this…

The P800 is dead. Long live the P910i.

As I mentioned previously, my mobile phone died. It was an excellent device – Sony Ericsson P800. But now it’s gone.

While looking for a phone, I used some old Nokia model. While it was a really ugly device by all measures (not only today’s), it reminded me of one thing that I miss in the mobile phone – battery life. A full charge wasn’t even 20% gone after three days that I used it for. My Sony Ericsson would have died already. I understand the features and power argument, but it still, it would have been nice to charge the device once a week or so.

Anyway, now for the good part. I’ve got myself a new device. Actually, it’s not so new, but it’s new for me. I bought a second hand Sony Ericsson P910i. It is a one over generation model from mine, and it has all the bells and whistles that my model had, plus a few more, with a little less bugs. Or maybe just different ones. Whatever.

Side note: I love blogging. I just mentioned my dead phone in this blog and so many people responded and helped me. One of them was Uncle Vova who told me about the guy who was selling the phone cheap. Thank you all guys.

The device is beautiful. It is the same and different from mine at the same time. It looks better. The speaker phone sound is way better. It can use mp3s as ringtones. It has a full featured QWERTY keyboard. It’s memory can be expanded up to 1 GByte. It has a built-in camcorder. There’s more internal memory. It’s just so much better!

Once again, thanks to everyone who helped along the way. Those were pretty tough three days. No I am back and connected to the world.