OK, guys, just don’t laugh your tummies off… but there is a term for being afraid of Friday the 13th. It is, apparently, paraskavedekatriaphobia. One of the greatest psychological sicknesses of our time.
Via thesz.
OK, guys, just don’t laugh your tummies off… but there is a term for being afraid of Friday the 13th. It is, apparently, paraskavedekatriaphobia. One of the greatest psychological sicknesses of our time.
Via thesz.
It’s only about lunch time now, but I’ve heard from most of my friends that they’ve been drinking yesterday, and now suffer from a hangover. Somehow, I’m glad I didn’t go out yesterday, because with all these statistics, and also yesterday being Friday the 13th, I don’t know where I could have ended up.
There’s also another reason for me not to miss out on yesterday’s stuff. That is – I went out the day before yesterday…
Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user tvset on 2006-10-13
Yesterday this blog, and a few others which are still hosted on my home machine, got a bit slowed down. The reason for this was a link from one of very popular LiveJournal users to a page on my server (I won’t give you the URL now) with a lot of images. Here is the network graph where you can see all the line hitting the top of my capacity and staying up there for a few hours.
Limited capacity and abuse of my ISP are among the reasons of my move to a real, commercial hosting.
And this brings me to my next point. There possibly will be a disruption of service from this blog as it will be migrated to a new host during the weekend. After the move things should be somewhat faster for all of you, but it will cost me some downtime to do the migration.
I’ll write a new post when everything will be done. Thank you for patience.
Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user tvset on 2006-10-12