Trip to Troodos mountains

Troodos signToday I went on a trip to Troodos mountains. Olga wasn’t feeling good enough for travelling, so I went with Lev and Hazard. There was a small get-together planned by few people from the Russian Cyprus Forum. People came from Limassol and Nicosia and maybe from somewhere else, I don’t know. Usually I know pretty much everyone on the “parties” like this. Not today though. There were plenty of new faces.

I, of course, planned and used the trip as an amazing photo opportunity. It is the first time this year that I went to see snow in the mountains and it has all the chances of being the last time too. I have made a whole lot of pictures. Overall I did exceptionally good. Usually I screw things up and than try to make excuses about bad light and everything. This time I have managed to avoid that path. I shot just a little over 100 frames and more than 80 turned out OK.

Hazard was filming everything and he even promised to make a movie in about 10 days or so. I wonder how this will come out. He was filming plenty of events in the last couple of years, but noone has ever saw anything except for a couple of raw clips. He was always planning to make them into a movie, but never found time to actually do it. Today he promised to do so, which is a completely different story.

While I am on the camera and digital equipment subject I want to express my astonishment regarding the way many people treat the sensitive appliences. When we came to Troodos and were walking up the road to meet the rest of the people, we got ourselves in the middle of snowball fight. Everyone was throwing snowballs at everyone. Camera or not. I tried a couple of times to warn people that digital cameras don’t work with snow/water inside, but noone would listten. Strange. And I almost had written that off to alcohol and similar reasons. Olga explained it to me though. She said that most people she knows do not realize that water can damage electronics. Even she didn’t know that until I told her some time ago. Well, she knew that water can damage electronics, but she didn’t know that photocameras and camcorders are not waterproof. Go figure…

Anyway, I had a lot of fun in Troodos. After the snowball fights everyone went to the taverna, where we split because it was way too crowded over there. While everyone stayed at Gabriella’s place, Lev, Hazard and I went to Foini, which was like 15 minutes of extra driving. Steak, wine, and beer and the trip back home… Great time!

Bash prompts

Normal user promptroot promptToday I once again did something really stupid while being logged in as root. I already had my root and normal user bash prompts colored differently, but it turns out that the difference was not obvious enough. So, I decided to recolor the prompts a little bit more vividly.

It took me few minutes to refresh my memory with Bash Prompt HOWTO. After that I came up with this snippet in .bashrc of the normal user (left screenshot):

# Cyan on blue time and Yellow on blue user@host dir
export PS1="\n\[\033[44;1;36m\][\$(date +%H:%M)]\[\033[44;1;33m\][\u@\h \W]\[\033[0m\]$ "
export PS2="\[\033[44;1;36m\][\$(date +%H:%M)]\[\033[44;1;33m\][\u@\h \W]\[\033[0m\]> "

Root’s prompt (right screenshot) was a bliss after that:

# Cyan on red time and yellow on red username@host dir
export PS1="\n\[\033[41;1;36m\][\$(date +%H:%M)]\[\033[41;1;33m\][\u@\h \W]\[\033[0m\]# "
export PS2="\[\033[41;1;36m\][\$(date +%H:%M)]\[\033[41;1;33m\][\u@\h \W]\[\033[0m\]> "


Watched “S1m0ne” on DVD. It is an amazing movie and it’s a pity that I missed it while it was in the cinema.

I think I liked everything about this film. I liked the story and I liked the irony. I liked the acting. I liked the camera. I liked the music, and I especially liked the photography. Heh, I even liked the happy ending.

Now, I think I’ll need some time to form whatever I feel about this movie into words. I’ll get back to you when I am ready. For now I’ll just give it a 10 out of 10.

Cleaning up


I was cold, hungry, and sleepy. Yet I had to wait until someone will change me in the NOC. So I went outside on the parking, started my car to warm up, looked around and saw this guy. He was cleaning up everything – parking, fences, security booth. I was watching him and thinking if I should make a picture or not. He was cleaning. I was thinking. He was cleaning. I was thinking. Finally, I decided that I spend too much time thinking about it and that I should grab the camera and make the shot or forget all about him. I wasn’t sure that I won’t blame myself afterwords if I will let it go, so I grabbed my camera and made a picture.

Album location: /photos/2005/2005-02-05_POTD