Vacation vs. vocation

My co-worker and I were composing an email today. He was writing and I was watching over. When I pointed out to him that he wanted to write “vacation” instead of “vocation”, he argued that if the word was wrong, the spellchecker would have underlined it in red. Since I was 99.9% sure that I was right, I aked him to double check.

It turned out that both “vacation” and “vocation” are legitimate words. But what surprised me was that their meanings were almost opposite.

“Vacation” has to do with resting and spending the time nicely. “Vocation” has to do with hard work. If you don’t believe me, check the definitions in the dictionary. Here are the words in : vacation and vocation.

P.S.: And I was right.

Choose 10 blogs. Or more.

I’ve been reading Ken Leebow’s Blogging about Incredible Blogs for some time now. Sometimes I agree to what he writes, sometimes I don’t. Today I don’t.

Few days ago he wrote this post, in which he says:

You really only need to read ten blogs. It’s the 80/20 Rule: You’ll get 80% of your information from those ten.

I don’t agree.

Continue reading Choose 10 blogs. Or more.

Daily bookmarks

I think that I should spice up a bit these long lists of links. I’ll be adding some comments once in a while for this posts to be more human friendly. Those posts with a lot of links (lik this one) will be split into a introductory part and the full article, so that the main page of the site won’t get too long to scroll.

First group of links has to do with logic programming in Prolog language. Most of these links I found in the reference list in Ovid’s presentation at OSCON. Ovid was talking about ways of integrating Prolog and Perl. The link to his presentation is the first in the list.

Continue reading Daily bookmarks



Kingfisher lager is the first Indian beer that I tried. I bought a small bottle in the All About Beer shop during my taste-all-those-bottles crusade. It turned out to be a good quality average tasting beer much like many others.

So far I get the most satisfaction from German and British beers. Belgian come next. All the rest follow. But I haven’t tried all of them yet.

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