Happy Birthday, Slawa!

Slawa Dyrdine

My good friend Slawa has his Nth birthday today. I congratulate him on the occasion and wish him all the best.

Somehow, every year he makes an impression that he dislikes celebrating birthdays. Especially his own. But, somehow, his birthday parties are the most crowded ones of all I’ve seen. And people have great time. And he seems to enjoy it too. Maybe it’s just the hussle of setting those parties up and cleaning everything after that makes him so … hmm.. unenthusiastic about them.


Partial quoting with KMail

KMail has a nice feature which is mentioned in the FAQ but surely deserves a bit more publicity – partial quoting of the message. If one wishes to quote only a part of the message, than selecting the appropriate part before hitting the Reply will do the trick. This feature can save a lot of time spent deleting unnecessary quoted text.

PHP turns 10 or new ways of starting holly wars

Slashdot has an article about PHP turning 10 years old. Scrolling through the comments for the post, it seems that Slashdot editors found a new way of starting holly wars. But instead of limiting themselves with “X vs. Y” type of holly war, they do it in “X vs. everything else” manner. Makes for some interesting reading.

Car service

Since I don’t have anything else to blog about, I’ll post about my car service. Every 10,000 kilometers or so I service the car. Air filter, oil filter, sparks are all getting changed. There is also a routine check up of the engine and other internals on the computer. Sometimes they would take it for a test drive to see if everything sounds nice. Not so often they would change brakes (every 20,000 kilometers or so I guess), timing belt (every 100,000 kilometers) and other parts.

The E.F.I. Technics garage that I am using is not one of the cheapes places on the planet, but they really know their stuff. Or at least they seem to know, as far as I can judge. I paid 125 CYP for today’s service. The biggest numbers on the list were for computer test of the engine – 30 CYP and sparks (12 CYP a piece times 4 equals 48 CYP). Every time they change the sparks, they remind me that sparks for this car are way too expensive. Heh, I tend to agree.

Anyway, the car is shining clean and feels brand new now. It behaves nicely, drives smoothly and gives me confidence.