Follow-up on KSP4

I know that I said that KSP4 is now over and everything, but there are few minor bits that I forgot to mention.

First of all, I said nothing about photo exsibition that took place at the festival. Yes, that’s right, there was a small photo expo with a few really nice images. Anyone could have shown their work and I didn’t pass that chance. It was my official display of images off the Internet. I had 10 pictures up. You can see all of them here. I linked to all of them before, but this way they are easier to see – all together.

Secondly, lots and lots of people were making pictures and videos of the festival. All of these materials are now getting linked to from this thread at (skip to pages 3 and 4 for links).

Big scare

Maxim scared the heck out of us today. When he was laying on the bed, naked, about to be bathed, he moved his right hand all the way down and touched his balls. Can you imagine that? I almost fell unconcious. Luckily, we noticed it in time and corrected his posture.

For those of you who doesn’t understand what is so scary about a two and a half month old boy touching his genitals, here is a little hint: the said boy does not yet control his hands very well. If he grabs something, he uses all his strength to hold it. You get it now, don’t you? Add to this his constant will to put whatever his hands grab straight into the mouth. Yeah, that’s how scary it was – potentially hard-squizzed balls rpped off and sholved into the mouth!

We have to be more careful and watch him closer. At least until he would learn how to use his hands…

Kakomalis 2005 – KSP 4

KSP crowd

KSP 4 is now officially over. Today I returned at 6:30 in the morning. It seems that with every KSP I am staying longer and longer. I also brought with me pain in every muscle, hangover, absense of voice because of shouting and singling too much, more than a 100 photos, and tonnes of positive energy.

KSP 4 was a success! More people than ever came to see and participate in the event. I think there was as much as 400 people. Lots of singers and musicians, with the main few who practiced a lot together before the concert. This time the stage was even bigger and music was even louder. There were plenty of photographers and video operators, so I hope they’ll start sharing the coverage soon.

And the main thing is that I started waiting for the next KSP before I even got home…

Album location: /photos/2005/2005-05-01_KSP4

Fixing WordPress slugs

Slug is a short name for WordPress post. It looks like this-is-your-post-title. One of the applications of posts is in permalinks. Having post title (or part of it) in the link makes the URL slightly longer, but much more easier to identify.

Now, sometimes people tweak the way slugs are structured. Or people import posts from unsupported blogging systems and forget to make slugs. Regenerating slugs for all posts in the database is very easy and does not require any scripting at all! After importing your posts (or tweaking the slug generation mechanism) simply run the upgrade.php script, which is in the WordPress wp-admin folder. That’s it!