Web design and graphics design resources

I came across few interesting resources on the topic of web design and graphic design for the web. While I am not a designer, sometimes memory refreshment on basic things are good.

Graphic Design for the Web is a collection of articles and links to articles explaining basic concepts and techniques of graphic design. Desktop Publishing is a mega resource with everything from fonts and free graphics to collections of links to other useful places. Web Developer’s Journal is yet another place with articles and links.

Fedora Linux Core 2 released

Fedora Linux Coree 2 has been released today by Fedora Project. It features all sorts of tasty things – Linux kernel 2.6, KDE 3.2.2 (GNOME 2.6 for those who prefer it), Xorg 6.7.0, Security Enhanced Linux integration and much more.

I am currently downloading it via BitTorrent at 400+ KB/s. This version of Fedora Linux comes has 4 CDs images with binaries, which one can also download as a single DVD image. Here is a link to Slashdot announcement which might be useful for additional information.

Hooray for a fortnight of CD writing! :)


I’ve went to the movies today to see “Troy” finally. Despite of all the critiques and comments I haven’t been disappointed. Not at all. It’s a very good movie and deserves to be seen. Maybe even more then once.

“Troy” is for sure a cinema film. It was done for a big screen and good sound. It’s historic, atmospheric, romantic, and … everything else. The story, while not completely following the history and legends (so Hollywoodish) is still interesting and dramatic. No happy end. Although they tried to make one. :) Battles are spectacular and it seems they try to match the scale of those we’ve seen in Lord Of The Ring trilogy. “Troy” battles are not that overwhelming, but pretty good never-the-less.

There is a lot of good acting. Brad Pitt is excellent as usual, but all the others do match him. This happens, but it is rare.

I like pretty much everything else about the film too – soundtrack, costumes and scenery, martial arts. The duel of Achilles and Hector leaves the feeling of satisfaction similar to Neo and Morphius fights in Matrix. Very good.

Maybe I will go see it once more, though 3 hours are tiring even with 2 breaks. We’ll see. :)

Shaken by an earthquake

There has just been a small earthquake here. The bad thing about it is that I am at work on the 5th floor and there is no chance I can get out of the building in time. But the good thing is that I am awake (5:35am on a night shift) and I can feel it and blog it.

I don’t have any equipment with me to measure the strength of it, but I am sure it will be in the news today. I will update this post with any information that I will hear later on.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, I didn’t have any time or will to follow the safety instructions properly. The only thing I’ve done was not rushing into the stairs or enterting the elevator. :)

Update: There was nothing in the news about this particular shake – probably it was too small. Since I promised to update this post, here is a couple of sites with earthquake safety instuctions.

The Evolution of Rallying – 50 Years Sideways

Most of the day today I am enjoy the “The Evolution of Rallying – 50 Years Sideways” DVD. This is the best film about rallying that I have seen so far. It is an excellent documentary by Helmut Deimel, which brings everything into one single film – sports, fans, cars, speed, excitement, glory, tragedy, history, innovations, etc.

This movie covers 50 years of rally sport development. There are rare shots, interviews, spectacular moments, crashes, information about cars, drivers, safety, technology, and coverage. It shows how the rally sport evolved from the simple “drive from here to there” kind of thing to an advanced and challanging sporting activity of today.

All rally fans and people interesting in the history of auto and moto sport must see this one. 10 out of 10 and an extra point for the soundtrack. :)