Picture of the day

Morning shipToday’s submission is yet another sunrise from the windows of my office. Three images is all I need to disassemble the sunrise. A ship by itself, a sun by itself, and a combination of ship and the sun in the single image. That’s it.

Also, I am slowly coming to the idea of doing some postprocessing of the images. I have played with some pictures in Gimp and the results can be much different. Sometimes for better, sometimes… well, I am learning you know. I haven’t decided completely yet, but I am coming to that decision. Some say that postprocessing digital images is something comparable to darkroom processing of film. Maybe they are right.

I have several reasons for postprocessing. Firstly, cropping is something that I need, since the viewfinder of Digital Rebel covers approximately 95% of view area. That means that I cannot fully control of what gets into the frame and what not by using only a camera. Secondly, camera lacks some common features like black-and-white photography, sepia effect, a couple of others, which are simple and might improve the image sufficiently. Thirdly, any means that help to express the idea better are good enough. And fourthly, I don’t have to reason everything I do – sometimes I can do something just because I can. Here, I said it. :)

Picture of the day

Compaq inputs

Today I passed by the Chinese take away a little bit earlier, but is seems they are totally against me photographing them, because they were closed again. Although it was before 23:00. Next time I’ll go there during the day and ask what time they are closing.

Anyway, I came to work and decided that I can find something to shoot in the office. Although I already had a photosession here. And despite the fact that I see these same things mostly every day for the last 3 plus years. Laze me in didn’t even allowed me to get off the chair. Ladies and gentlemen, I present you with my keyboard and mouse. Composition titled “Compaq Inputs“. Enjoy.

P.S.: I took 13 shots to get it right. Am I ever gonna learn anything?

Buffalo Soldiers

Watched “Buffalo Soldiers” on DVD now. This is an excellent film. It is a military film without war or boot camps. It is an a comedy with lots of sarcasm and irony. It is political and historical. It is action. It is very original.

This movie is based on an excellent story, has a great cast, appropriate soundtrack, good setup and decorations with nice special effects which don’t burn the eye. It is easy going, entertaining and does makes one think. What else can you ask from a movie?

I’m giving it a 10 out of 10. Guys in the tank and a “squashed beatle” ruled separately! :)