Forgotten experience

For the last few hours I have been regaining forgotten experience of washing the floor. Mopping the floor, swabbing the floor – call it anything you want. It’s been some time since I did it last time.

Get a cleaning lady or something, if you have a choice. By no means think that it is a pleasant waste of time. Once you will start there will be no way to stop and you will hate yourself afterwards. Cleaning lady will do it better and faster. It will also come out cheaper. And you can also do something else or totally nothing while your floors are get done.

I think that mopping the floor can demonstrate a really good example to kids why one should study well and work hard, so that one can afford a cleaning lady. I think that really long time ago my parents tried to delivery the point with forcing me to mop the floor. Why do I remember it only now? :)

Brother Bear

Today we’ve watched the most lame, stupid, and boring animation created in the past few years – “Brother Bear“. It is a pretty standard Disney animation with all the usual faces, emotions, and characters that was turned even worse.

There was an attempt to base everything on a more-or-less original story, but it turned out to be really simple and undeveloped. Not enough evolved characters – there are many faces, but none of them are complete. If it wasn’t for a couple of elk’s with Canadian accent it would have been totally empty.

Music deserves a special mention. It was totally gay (in the bad meaning of the word). Timing was really bad. Accompaning animations were irrelevant and really really boring. Phil Collins was even worse than Elton John.

Closing titles were totally unoriginal, but there were a couple of nice jokes which were really needed by that time.

Canadian elks count for 1 point. Closing titles earn another point. There you go – 2 out of 10. Summary: total crap and a waste of time.

Olympics: Audience

AudienceI had an interesting thought while watching the Olympic games. It is about how audience differs today from the audience of the past and of the future. Take for example camera flashes. Every major sport event, when shown on TV, has lots of photocamera flashes in the audience. Think about it. Flash on the camera is to add some light to the subject of the photograph. In case of sport events, audience is too far away from the subject and there is no way a small flash can light up the stadium. People who are into photography know that. That’s why they either get closer or don’t use flash. Other people use point-and-shoot cameras which are automatic all the way and decide for themselves if the flash should be used or not.

30 years ago photocameras weren’t that cheap and popular. They were less automatic. Flashes were external. If you watch video recording from the 30 year old events, you will not see any flashes in the audience. Only from the media corner.

In 30 years from today, camera’s will be way too smart to attempt lighting up the stadium. They are constantly getting smarter. So, you will not see that much flashing from the audience of the future.

There are other examples of how audience changes. People weren’t putting team colors on their faces for ever you know. Flags and team scarfs weren’t always there too. Interesting, isn’t it?

Do you have any other examples? :)