Random bits

Today was even more noisy in the office then yesterday. But they are almost done – one can already see the net structure.

Three games of bowling in the evening with Kangins, then for some Sophie’s ice cream and to hear her terrifying story about the yogurt machine getting broken and the fridge getting broken the same day. Bad luck, I guess.

Anyway, came to home to find out that our water supplies are gone and someone has closed pipes on the roof. Few investigating sessions and here we go – slowly-slowly all our tanks are being refilled. Hehe, I can work as a plumber too, than! :)

Construction work in the office

It’ve been very noisy in the office for the lasts couple of days – there is a revolution and huge restructions. Partitions and cubicles get moved around, my boss is moved around, lots of staff from the cupboards all over the place.

It’s surprising how many “useful” things you can find in places that you haven’t looked at for few years. Things like yellow pages for 1990, 1992, and 1996… A box with some acient version of cc:Mail. A bunch of CDs with MS Office 97. Lots of floppy disks. Lots of license agreements. A bunch of books, which are all version specific, apart from an excellent “Unix Unleashed”.

Ripley’s Game

Planned trip to Ladas fish tavern with Olga to celebrate the day. Excellent food, excellent time.

Some time killing around the city until we met Hazard and went to the movie to see the “Ripley’s Game” which was excellent. That was a rare luck for an excellent movie – original, funny, with action and acting, with soundtrack, and lots of nice , thought-through details. John Malkovich was excellent. Lots of quotes will make me remember the movie for a long time. A couple of favourite moments:

  • When they were closing the house and checking all doors and windows and Jonathan ask if Tom Ripley was scared and Tom goes like: “No…[long pause, while checking some more locks]…I am fucking terrified!” ;)
  • And another one, when they were persuading the guy to call his boss and tell him some bullshit, Malkovich says with an extremely calm face and intonation: “If you will do it, you will walk away, AND we will give you half a million dollars. If you will not do it, I will run my truck over your head for the rest of the day.” :)

Anyway, what can be better then a couple of Warsteiner pints in Chesters after an excellent film? :)

Random bits

First of all, it’s my first wedding anniversary today! Wow, that was one fast year! I’ll take Olga out today to celebrate…

Finally, I can do something for Lev to payback all my troubling of his desire not to touch another piece of computer hardware for the rest of his life – his mother and her friend were leaving today, so I got a chance to give them a lift to the airport. :)

When I came back from the airport I jumped on to the restore thingy for my home server, since absense of Internet connectivity and fresh supply of email for more then two days can drive me crazy. Work stopped compensating it yesterday. So, if I decide that I will do something – I do it, and here is the machine up and running with everything working properly as it was before the upgrade. The only thing missing is my MP3s, since that requires a lot of disk space rearranging, but it will get there eventually.

Once again I want to specially thank Lev Chouvalov for his endless support during the upgrade process.

Off to have some rest now…

Daily bits

First thing in the morning, I went to the computer shop to claim the replacement of my exploded power supply. And I was lucky enough to get it. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the 520 watts model anymore, so I set with 480 watts.

Lev was kind enough to come and stop me from doing yet more stupid things like killing myself via means of electricity. Power supply successfully installed, hard disks rearranged, and most of the staff works, apart from problems related to root.root ownership of all files. I’ve decided not to touch anything for another day, so that I could go one step at a time. :)