Trying out Class::DBI

I’ve started working on a new version of this site, which will be a kind of merge with my internal home portal and some ideas that I had for a long time now. I’ve made some progress, which is mostly due to an excellence of Class::DBI perl module. This one is a sweety. It allows one to create database applications without a single line of SQL. Paired with CGI module (which allows one to generate web sites without ever typing in any HTML) it provides a fast development environment for a small project like mine. At the moment I don’t know how well it scales though, but I suspect – pretty much.


Today was the day when Hazard and Olga planned to go to see “Matrix Reloaded” for the second time. We didn’t call Lev, since he would refuse to go for sure. I was kind of against going, but I was in minority. And when majority is Hazard and Olga – I am in absolute minority. :) So, we end up in front of the K-Cineplex at about 21:40 where we discover that “Matrix Reloaded” is shown only at something like 17:15. I will not lie by saying that it didn’t make me happy.

Since we already were in front of the cinema, it would have been terrible to miss the chance and see something else. Fast look on the announce board and we see that everything apart from “Kangaroo Jack” and “Identity” has been seen. Now, that is one dilemma. Kangaroo Jack is ugly and is for stupid kids. Not that I hate kids. I like kids. But movies like Kangaroo Jack are for stupid kids. Though I haven’t seen it myself. But I never was a smart kid myself. :)

“Identity”, on the other hand, had a terrible trailer and it seemed that it was a trivial half horror, and half thriller movie from the trailer. And it also seemed very cheap. Not that I am against cheap completely, but sometimes it is good to see something that has some moral value. :) So, here goes my P800 (yes, I am still glad I bought it) helping us out on the rating, which happens to be 7.0/10.0 (IMDB staff). And we decide to go…

I’ve seen a lot of excellent movies. I even saw few recently. But the feeling of complete satisfaction coming from the movie noone was even eager to see in the first place is kind of shocking and shaking. Excellent movie. Good acting, lots of well-known, seen many times actors. Soundtrack fits the picture almost perfectly. Camera is excellent. But the plot is the best of all. And it somewhat misses the traditional American happy end. :) Overall – stongly recommended. Maybe I will even buy it later. :)

Best service in Cyprus

Tired and exhausted when leaving office, to complete the feeling I found out a huge nail stuck in the middle of the tire. So, I went to the only garage on my way home which was still open. And what do I find there? THE BEST SERVICE I’VE SEEN IN CYPRUS. The guy practically ran to open the door for me when I was getting out of the car. Natural smile, fast moving around, he offered me a drink (a choice of coffee, tea, water, and orrange juice), then discovered that coffee machine was out of water, so he ran across the street to kiosk to get some water, fixed the machine, gave me a cup of coffee, fixed the tire, checked pressure in for all other wheels, and charged me only 3CYP with a huge smile. That is what I call antistress. The whole tiredyness of the day was gone.

Photos uploaded

Finally Hazard uploaded all the latest pictures. I’ve processed and annotated them, so you can enjoy two new albums in the “Photo” section of the site – second session of mussle cooking and second trip to Akamas. Unfortunately, I had wrong settings on the camera for a good part of Akamas trip. That spoiled few shots, but there are still plenty left. :) I’ll be more accurate next time. Really. I promise. :)

Food, friends, and two pints

Pizza Hut with Olga in the evening. After some hot and spicy deep pan we went to Hazard’s place to pick him up, then for Lev and went to Chesters. Not a lucky day for Hazard who couldn’t get a proper pint for the whole evening. First they’ve brought the wrong brew, then they gave something that smelled bad, afterwards they gave something that smelled better but tasted worse… Poor guy.

After the short Chesters session we returned back to Hazard’s place to enjoy the “Go“, which is a kind of American answer to “Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels“. One of the best drug movies I’ve seen, especially considering American routes. British ones are still better, but this one was pretty close. :)