git clean – a nice addition to git reset

Anybody working with git is probably well familiar with the way to undo the non-committed changes:

git reset --hard

As useful as the above command is, it still leaves some room for improvement. The above command will only undo non-committed changes on the files that git is tracking. Often, this would leave a whole bunch of files and directories in place, which are not tracked by git. So far, I’ve been using a really complicated approach for removing them, which involves git status, grep, cut, xargs, and rm. Yuck.

Turns out there is a better way, which I found in “Stupid git tricks” article:

git clean -df .

This one will forcefully remove all untracked files and directories from the current directory. Combining these two commands together results in all non-committed changes being undone, no matter if they are on tracked files or not. Cool!

How to build a minimum viable product (MVP)

I came across this somewhere on the interwebs.  Which also reminded me of this article (in Russian), which discusses the “progressive JPEG” approach to projects.  The idea being for a project to always be 100% ready, but with varying degree of details being worked through.

Understanding AD Access Control Entries

Understanding AD Access Control Entries” is a quick and simple article describing some of the madness of the Active Directory access control entities.  This is particularly useful for those of us who had to deal with Active Directory, without having much experience with MS Windows.  I’m sure this will come handy again in the future.

Publishers Haven’t Realized Just How Big a Deal GDPR is

Lately, I feel like I’m behaving very similar to Steve Ballmer, running around screaming “GDPR! GDPR! GDPR!”.

But I find it to be a huge change for anyone around Europe, and I see it coming into play very soon, and most of the people around me are mostly like “GDPR? What’s that?”.

This article does a lot of good explaining how big of a deal it is.  And it doesn’t matter whether you support this or totally against it, I think it will be a huge change for everyone all around.  In particularly so – technical people implementing the necessary changes.