Linux Inside – A book-in-progress about the Linux kernel and its internals

Linux Inside” is a book-in-progress about the Linux kernel and its internals.  You can read it online or download as a PDF.  It’s also available in several languages.  Some of the things that you’ll find inside are:

  • The boot process
  • Initialization
  • Interrupts
  • System calls
  • Timers and time management
  • Synchronization primitives
  • Memory management
  • SMP
  • Data structures in the Linux kernel
  • … and more.


A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming

I came across the second edition of the Prentice Hall’s “A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming” by Mark G. Sobell (original link).  This is a rather lengthy book at just over 1,000 pages, covering everything from history of Linux and basic commands, all the way to bash, Perl, and sed, and how things work both on the inside and outside.

It’s probably not one of those books to read from cover to cover, but quite handy to keep as a reference and flip a few pages once in a while.

React vs Angular vs Ember vs Vue.js

Following the yesterday’s post on WordPress choosing the JavaScript framework, here comes a rather extensive review of React, Angular, Ember, and Vue.  This one looks at the four frameworks from different perspectives, provides feature lists, and has a tonne of links to external resources for more information.