Vim after 15 years

Vim after 15 years” is yet another one of those “my Vim configuration review” posts by someone who has been using Vim for 15 years or so.

As someone who is also a long time Vim user, I have to say it’s quite common to review your configuration once in a while and remove some outdated bits which made it into plugins and Vim core, update plugins to newer versions, and replace plugins with newer alternatives.

AWS Application Load Balancer

I found this visual primer to the Application Load Balancing on the Amazon AWS quite interesting.  Application Load Balancing is not something I am using just yet, but it’s getting there.  With more and more services and pricing schemas available from Amazon, explaining things simply is not as easy as it may seem.

Optimizing web servers for high throughput and low latency

Dropbox Tech Blog has this in-depth article on “Optimizing web servers for high throughput and low latency“.  It goes over everything from hardware and low level operating system stuff all the way up to the application level.

Great job, guys!

spf13-vim : The Ultimate Vim Distribution

spf13-vim is an amazing Vim distribution with cross-platform configuration and a large bundle of plugins, aimed at programmers in all sorts of languages.  Those of you just starting with Vim, or using a very basic configuration, give this one a spin.  And for the rest of us, ancient farts with 10+ year old configurations, this distribution provides plenty of inspiration for plugins and configuration options to try and play with.

I’ve seen a variety of Vim distributions and bundles over the years, but nothing came close to this amazing setup.  Very well done!