Practical RPM

Simple usage
This section provides some simple examples of RPM usage. Most of these actions happen on a daily basis and should be familiar to most of RPM users.

Installation of new packages

# rpm -ivh vim-enhanced-6.1-14.i386.rpm

Upgrading of packages
There are two distinct scenarios when upgrading packages:

  1. We want RPM to check if the package is installed and if it is, then upgrade it. If the package is not intalled, then install it.
    # rpm -Uvh vim-enhanced-6.1-14.i386.rpm
  2. We want RPM to do upgrade only if the package is installed.
    # rpm -Fvh vim-enhanced-6.1-14.i386.rpm

Installation and/or upgrade of multiple packages
It is of course possible to install and/or upgrade multiple packages using shell wildcards.

# rpm -ivh vim*rpm 

Erasing (removing) packages

# rpm -e emacs

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