Trailer : The Expendables

The Expendables” is my most awaited movie for the coming summer.  I’d pay twice the price of a ticket to see Silvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the same scene, even if that’s just for ten seconds.  Having Jet Li, Mickey Rourke, Dolph Lundgren, Jason Statham, and Eric Roberts in the same film makes it … I don’t even know what it makes it … it never happened before.  And there are more names that you know on the cast of that movie.  Anyway, that’s something to do and see no matter how good it will come out.  And for now – the trailer.


The known universe

I’ve shared and favorite’d this video before, but it’s worth another time.  Every time you get depressed or pissed off about something, every time someone gets to you, or you think something horrible happened, just watch this video.


That’s the known universe for you.  And if you think about how small we are compared to our planet, and how small our planet compared to some other, and how small our galaxy compared to the other ones, and so on and so forth, and then think about your problem again – doesn’t it look tiny and beyond microscopic now?

Mark Malkoff Gets Carried in New York City

I’ve posted here about Free Hugs campaign some time ago.  Today I came across an experiment with a smaller goal, but of the same sociality (if there is even such a word).  Mark Malkoff gets a free ride across Manhattan island on the backs of total strangers, proving once again that this world is full of good, fun, strong and crazy people.
