What’s something very few people know about PHP?

What’s something very few people know about PHP?” blog post (and Quora answer) provides some more impressive stats and links about the popularity of the PHP programming language.

This goes well with this recent post.

Google Trends for REST, GraphQL and RPC

Here’s an interesting look at Google Trends for REST API, RPC, and GraphQL.  There’s also a link to the actual Google Trends, in case you want to play with it.  For example, here’s how it looks with the addition of the SOAP (as a protocol though, rather than search term which is way too generic):

spatie/data-transfer-object – Data transfer objects with batteries included

spatie/data-transfer-object library provides very easy to use data-transfer objects for PHP.  If you code is relying a lot on arrays, you’ll appreciate this different approach.  And the more complex your arrays are, the more benefit you’ll get out of it.

Using aws-cli –query Option To Simplify Output

Eric Hammond shares a super-handy tip for those of us who work with Amazon AWS via the command line:

I just learned about a recent addition to aws-cli: The --query option lets you specify what parts of the response data structure you want output.

Instead of wading through pages of JSON output, you can select a few specific values and output them as JSON, table, or simple text. The new --query option is far easier to use than jq, grep+cut, or Perl, my other fallback tools for parsing the output.

Read the rest of his blog post for a few examples of how to use it.

WordPress Configuration Cheat Sheet

WordPress Configuration Cheat Sheet” is a collection of about 10 tips for a more secure WordPress configuration file.  Obviously, not all of them can always be applied, but it’s a good idea to review your own settings once in a while and to disable unnecessary bits.