Average salary for programmer in Togliatti, Russia

Yandex, also known as “Russian Google”, recently introduced a service for salary comparisons across Russia, based on the known job vacancies. This is a handy little tool that provides a lot of insight into how things are in Russia and across. For example, I immediately checked the average salary for a computer programmer in Togliatty – my hometown.

23,000 Russian Rubles approximately equal to 530 Euros. On the same graph, average salaries for Moscow and Saint Petersburg are also indicated – 1,200 EUR and 1,500 EUR accordingly. Unfortunately I don’t have an equal or reliably objective resource for Cyprus, but based on my own knowledge and experience, I’d say at least in Limassol the average salary for a programmer would be somewhere around 2,000 EUR. Moscow’s 1,500 EUR is roughly the minimum, I’d say.

First of all, this graph once again confirms that Moscow and Russia are two different things.  Prices, salaries and opportunities are very different.  Even Saint Petersburg, which is the second richest city in Russia is obviously behind here.  Togliatt’s average salary being almost 3 times less than the one for Moscow clearly indicates the huge difference.

Secondly, this makes me question (not that I haven’t before) all those bright and brilliant mass media reports of how fast the Russian economy is growing and of how well things are improving in the regions.  With 500 EUR being an average salary for a qualified professional – economy has a very long way to go.

Thirdly, it is sad to see how stale the IT industry is in my hometown. The city of almost a million in population has only 55 vacancies for a programmer (according to Yandex only, of course).  And out of those most are C++ and 1C (popular accounting software package) vacancies.  There are a few web developer positions available, but for the city that large these are too few.

Civil servants salaries in Cyprus

Cyprus Mail reports:

Around 65 per cent of civil servants (some 35,000) are paid wages that are substantially higher than the national average.

And if that wasn’t enough,

The discrepancy between the wages of civil servants and the general population may be substantial, yet even this is slightly misleading. Civil servants’ salaries weigh heavily in calculating the average national salary. It follows that the figure for the average national salary, as given by the Statistical Service, is “bumped up” by the high wages received by civil servants, thereby concealing the true extent of the difference between public and private sectors.

The numbers breakdown follows:

Civil servants wages (May 2011)
Salary Number of recipients
€0 – €1500 10,871
€1501 – €2500 16,465
€2501 – €3500 14,449
€3501 – €4500 6,866
€4501 and above 5,360

Read the rest of the article for more details.

Minimum salary in Cyprus

Living and working in Cyprus, I am often asked by people from other countries what are salaries like in Cyprus.  I never had a good answer to the question, because the answer depends a lot on the company you’ll be working for and your position.  Even the range for the same position across different companies can vary 3-4 times easily.

Cyprus Mail reports that the government had decided to increase the minimum wage (salary).  Gladly, the article provides a reference for average salary across the island.

THE MINIMUM wage is being increased to €887 from €840 effective from Thursday, the Labour Advisory Committee announced yesterday. Final approval for the 5.6 per cent increase, which will bring the minimum wage to 50 per cent of the average national wage, rests with the Cabinet.

So, this means that the while the minimum wage will now be €887, the average is twice that much – €1774.  That’s good to know.  Now I have an a better answer for all those people who are asking.

On salaries

The question of salaries is, I think, one of the most important in the business world. How much should an employee get paid? How much is too much? How much is too low?

The other day I was thinking about ways of finding the ideal salary amount. This is close to impossible, of course. But I managed to find a nice measurement for the managers to compare. If employee, by accident, will one day destroy the boss’s car, which supposedly is not insured against accidents like this, than employee’s salary should be high enough to provide a realistic payback period.

Thus, the more expensive boss’s car gets, the more employees should be rewarded for their work. Nice and fair, isn’t it? :)