Tag: Jonah Hill
Maxim and I went to the cinema yesterday, in hopes to see “Tangled”. Â But unfortunately it was in Greek only. Â We checked both Rio and K-Cineplex cinemas. Â Since we were out anyway, we decided to go for “Megamind“. Â Which, despite the 3D advertising, was in 2D. Â (Maxim prefers 3D, while I am a 2D man).
“Megamind” is a cartoon about superheros and about the fight of good an evil. Â It is somewhat original in the story though. Â While most other stories accept the fight between the good and evil and spend most of the time on the details, “Megamind” takes a different route. Â It explores the world after the fight of good and evil. Â And not just that, but the world where evil won the fight. Â I thought it was an interesting twist, even though it required slightly more talking than usual. Â And, as every kid knows, talking is boring. Â Bring on the fight!
The story is well balanced though. Â Surprisingly, there is still plenty of fighting and other types of action. Â Bonus points from me are for having a geek (wearing geeky t-shirts) and for the soundtrack that included AC/DC, Ozzy Osbourne, and Guns-n-Roses. Â I think that’s the first mainstream animation to ever do that. Â Kudos!
And while this flick wasn’t a jewel that by now everyone expects from Dreamworks, it is still a pretty good entertainment choice. Â Overall rating from me is a 4 out of 5. Â Not bad.
Funny People
Just got back from the cinema, where I watched “Funny People“. When I saw the trailer, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see this film or not. There were a funny scenes, but it looked like a clichĂ©, more or less.  But then I saw a 7.3/10 rating at IMDB and decided that I want to see that.
The film turned out to be quite good. It’s not really a comedy in the sense that you’d expect from the title, poster, and trailer. It’s more of a drama with a few funny bits in it.  And while it does follow a sort of clichĂ© story, it does it in an interesting way. The best to describe it I guess, is with a bad racing car analogy – you can see the track and you sort of know where the car will go, but it still surprises you with its dynamics and by getting off the track at a few turns. Except that the film is actually good. You sort of know how it will end and how you’ll get there, but there are a few things which come slower or faster than you’d expect.
All in all, it was a kind, thought provoking, and at times quite funny movie. Recommended, with 4 stars. And if you want to see the trailer, here it is: