Children vs. adults

It’s interesting how some adult things are more obvious to children than to some adults. I witnessed this many times with different kids. Today I came across yet another examle.

A Brief Conversation with Charlie (age 4) About Politics and Conservation:
HIM: Dad, are there bad guys?
ME: Yeah, I suppose there are.
HIM: Do we know any bad guys?
ME: No. No, I don’t think we do.
HIM: Is Bush a bad guy?
ME: Bush?
HIM: The President. Bush. Is he a bad guy?
ME: Well, I think he really believes that…uh…well, some people have different opinions than other people…uh…
HIM: But he wants to drill in the arctic! And that will hurt the animals! We have to stop him and make him go away! People need to stop building so many houses! We have to stop Bush! People shouldn’t drive their cars so much!
ME: Hey, get your shoes on.

Just a thought

One of these days I was talking to a friend of mine. I was very morning slow, but I was surprised at my fast reaction to one of his phrases. It went like this:

Friend: I am downloading Windows Longhorn now…

Me: It’s like saying that you’re getting a 26 inch dildo. You’re free to do what you want, but I won’t be too proud of that, you know.

Now, where did that come from?

New York Language Center

While we around Dr.Simos Kitiris office, I noticed a small office with a strange sign above its doors. It said: “New York Language Center”. I giggled. I mean it’s really funny. In the country that inheritted English language from the British Empire, there is this little language center which teaches you, no, not English… not even American, but New Yorkish.

You’ll probably have to take a couple of weeks of courses, learn some brooklynisms, find out how they call places, and than have to pass an exam. Or I don’t know what they are doing…