The Men Who Stare at Goats

I got my hands on “The Men Who Stare at Goats” movie.  I saw the trailer a few times in the cinema and was waiting for it to start, but either I missed it altogether or the scheduling was changed.  Anyway, watched this one in the comfort of my own home.  To be honest, this is not being a major visual effects movie or a new 3D silliness, I think I didn’t lose much by missing the big screen.

In short – I really enjoyed this film.  It is original, weird, funny, and smart.  The casting is awesome and all these people have a place to act and a role to play – outstanding performances from all of them, including the goat.

If you are not sure whether you should see this film or not – think Coen brothers.  Even though they have nothing to do with this film (as far as I know), it feels like something that they would have done.   If you enjoyed any of their work – this film is definitely for you.  It has the same weird story, irony, and a thin line between a joke and truth.   Beautiful work and very engaging.  It’s one of those films where you are so busy watching it that you don’t have the time to think and predict how it will end and where the story is taking you.  It’s a roller-coaster – enjoy it while it runs.

Rating this movie doesn’t feel right, because it doesn’t compare much to anything else and stands on its own, like a piece of art that it is.  But I’ll give it a 5 out of 5, even though there were bits that I’d love to see changed.  Well deserved.  We need more movies that can take audience by surprise and engage them through the whole film and not just the first 3 minutes.

True Lies

True Lies

Watched “True Lies” again yesterday.  Now this one is a special movie for me.  I first saw back in 1994 or 1995, during my first ever trip out of the country, when I went to the Flint, Michigan, USA under a student exchange program.  This was “the first” of many things – the first film I’ve seen in English, the first action film I’ve seen on the big screen, etc.  It brings back a lot of memories, and it itself is being one huge memory.  Even so many years after I saw it, I still remember it almost to a word.

Obviously, I am very biased in this case.  But I spoke to a few of my friends about this film, and practically every one of them remembers the film quite well and has only good things to say about it.  Even now, decades later, it still looks pretty awesome.  I guess the fact that it has lots of real stunts as opposed to CGI helps it to survive the time.  Also, this film being a mix of action and comedy, even with action bits slightly outdated, the comedy is still there, doing just fine.

Overall, an excellent entertainment.  5 stars.