The teaching fun is back

I’ve always enjoyed teaching. There is something in it that makes me feel good. I don’t know what is that though. Maybe I feel the satisfaction from the process. Maybe it is easier to see the results. Maybe it’s all the communications envolved. Or maybe I like well defined goals.

Anyway, it seems that I will be enjoying whatever is that I am enjoying so much about it again. This time though it is teaching on steroids. Instead of single students, I will have a whole group of about 10 people. I will give them a 12-hour course (3 hours a week for one month) on effective data mining. It’s just a fancy title for a bunch of common knowledge though.

The course will include a brief overview of search engines, detailed coverage of Google, and a bunch of new tools and services such as RSS, Atom, blogosphere, Bloglines, Delicious, Technorati, Flickr, and stuff like that. I don’t yet have course notes or anything for that matter except for course outline, but I hope I will develop all I need during the next week and a half. The course will start from the beginning of October and I think I have plenty of time to do everything properly.

In the meantime, if you have any links that you might think I will find useful, let me know via comments.

Adsense Logger plugin for WordPress

Adsense Logger is an open source PHP script that helps website owners to optimize Google Adsense for their sites. I just found out about it today and realized that I wanted something like this for a long time, but never took the time to find it.

Apparently, there is an excellent plugin for WordPress that automatically installs and configures Adsense Logger to work with WordPress. Simply copy the files from the ZIP archive and assign correct permissions. TADA! You’re done. If you wish to see your Google reports within your WordPress administration area, enter your username and password in the plugin configuration page.

I’ve just installed and tried it and looks really good. Now all I am missing are those ad clicks (hint, hint, hint).

Found via this Bloggin Pro entry.

Speaking of dollars

I’ve been too kind to my visitors with the Google Adsense thingy. Only one or two of you guys are clicking on the ads. I don’t have any banners on the main page, and I used to have only one on the full post page. I am adding few more on the there. Hopefully those won’t be too annoying and will display enough interesting ads for you to check them out more often.

With all the blogging I am doing, I think I can earn some bucks with this site. If that won’t work, I will have to separate my blog into several blogs, each of which will be topic oriented (movies, Cyprus, blogosphere, computers, personal). Those will be much easier to promote and profit from.

C’mon, I’m not aksing for much.