Classic Programmer Paintings

Classic Programmer Paintings is a hilarious resource with classic paintings featured with modern captions from the programming world.

"Gentle technical discussion on IRC channel", Francisco Goya, Oil on canvas, 1814
“Gentle technical discussion on IRC channel”,
Francisco Goya, Oil on canvas, 1814

Well worth adding the RSS feed to your geek humor collection…

Found via Andrey Vystavkin.

On test strings

I’ve seen my fair share of test strings, varying from simple ‘test’, ‘foo’, and ‘blah’ to automatically re-generated Lorem Ipsum paragraphs.  But I don’t really remember seeing anything more weird than this one:

$string = "I am not a question. How was your day? Sex On Hard Concrete Always Hurts The Orgasmic Area. Why does custard taste so lumpy when you use breast milk?";

From this StackOverflow answer.  Is there a tool that does this?  I wouldn’t mind using it in my daily work.