
Most people, yours truly included, living in these days in the cities, are completely disconnected from the earthly things.  Younger generations don’t know how to grow crops, how big a cow is, or how milk or egg comes to be.  And while I am personally not a big fan of all things agriculture, I do realize the importance of species being connected to their natural environment.  And cities are not our natural environment, even if it might really seem so.

Big Picture blog does a nice coverage of harvesting – people, scenery, and machinery.  Even though it’s not a reconnect with nature, it is still a good reminder of where things that we eat and drink every day come from.

The Serious Eats Guide to Sandwiches

The Serious Eats Guide to Sandwiches

Here is an excellent tour of all sorts of sandwiches, from the classics like BLT and Club to Greek Doner Kebab and Dutch Crunch.  The descriptions are based on the sandwiches as cooked in different parts of the US, but, I think, that would be pretty accurate for other parts of the world as well.

Warning: some seriously yummy pictures ahead!

Via kottke.org.