Daily del.icio.us bookmarks

I was pointed to a couple of outstanding web services that I will talk more about later. For now here are the links:

Than there was this excellent flash animation that gives a good idea of Atlantic hurricanes – their strength, timing, and pathes. Thanks to Lev for this one.

A good set of reading about blogging – why and how people do it. Also has a couple of interviews with famous bloggers.

These were shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user tvset on 2005-09-01.

Air plane crash

About two hours ago, an airplane of Helios Airlines has crashed 30km off Athens. It was flying from Larnaca, Cyprus to Althens, Greece carrying 115 passangers and 6 members of the crew. According to RBC news there are two versions of what happenned. One of them says that the plane crashed into the mountain when the pilot lost control. By another version, the plane blew up before it crashed into the mountain. The control tower lost all communications with the plane and that’s why it was followed by two fighter jets. There are also more details about pilots missing from the cabin a guy in the mask seen throught the window. This version doesn’t sound very authentic, but we’ll have to wait for the official version anyway.

I’m sure the tradegy will be all over the news for the next few days. Chances are that there were plenty of Greeks and Cypriots on board.

Update: Google news has about 300 stories already.

Follow-up on Asian earthquake and tsunami

Slashdot has a couple of posts here and here that follow the recent post on huge earthquake and tsunami in Asia.

Many high traffic sites, such as Google and Amazon link from their front pages to information for those who wish to donate. There is also more information and coverage at tsunamihelp.blogspot.com/.

If you want to get a better idea of what happened, than watch the videos from this site and this site. I have mirrored them for your convenience.