Vestnik Kipra is 10 years old

Vestnik Kipra posterVestnik Kipra” is one of the few Russian newspapers in Cyprus, produced by Cyprus Advertiser Ltd. This year, “Vestnik Kipra” celebrates its 10th birthday. There will be a party at Limassol Municipal Garden on coming Sunday, 31 July 2005.

The program of the even includes musical concert, lucky lottery, disco, and the bazaar. Entrance is free. Event will start at 16:00 and will continue until 22:00.

If you have nothing better to do, pass by and check it out.

I love China

I have realized something today. I love China. I never thought I do. Actually, I never thought on the subject. Neither about China, nor about any other country. (Well, maybe Cyprus, but that doesn’t count since I am living in this country).

Before you start looking for a different blog to read, let me tell you that I have never been to China. Nor have I read any books about China. I have met a few Chinese people, but I haven’t been really close with anyone of them. At this point you might be wondering how did I arrive to the conclusion.

Well, I was sitting there doing nothing when this Chinese girl popped up in my ICQ. Her English was good enough for us to talk so we did. She asked me if I ever visited her country or if I knew anything about it. I started thinking. And here is what came to my mind.

  • I am one of the greatest fans of Chinese martial arts movies. There is a special place in my heart for all of them collectively and few of them individually.
  • I really enjoy Chinese cuisine. Of course, all those places that I have tried might have nothing in common with the real meal in China, but as far as I went and as far as my imagination can take me, I really like Chinese food.
  • I like Chinese art. Especially paintings, but anything works. Some of the best decorations that I have seen were embroideries on Chinese silk. And, of course, the china porcelain dishes. Those are really cool, though I haven’t seen many of them. But I liked those that I have seen.
  • I like Chinese dragons. Dragons have a special place in Chinese culture and I totally dig them. Dragon dances, pictures, fairy tales and all the other dragonware – I like it.
  • I like Chinese architecture. I haven’t seen any in real life, but those that come on pictures and in the movies look really cool. If you can’t think of any, I’ll remind you of Imperial palaces, Great Wall of China, and monasteries.
  • I like Chinese people. I met a few. I didn’t get very close to any of them, as I have already mentioned above. But all of them seemed like decent people. What I liked about them was that they knew how to have some real fun without crossing too many of cultural borders. This is a rare quality, if you ask me.

I was surprised by myself. First of all, I never knew that I knew so much about China. Secondly, I couldn’t believe that with all these positive emtions towards China I never thought about the country or culture separately. Strange. I am really glad I discovered all those feelings. Now that I’ve done that, I put a visit to China on my todo list. It is one of the first things to do after I fix my financial situation.

Maya Ruins

TowerCastleI think that I don’t know anyone who is not interested in Maya. Maybe it is just my impression. Anyway. Here is an excellent website about Maya Ruins. There is a lot of information and pictures gathered from four countries: Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. Excellent navigation and extended bibliography with links to Amazon add to credibility and browsing satisfaction.


Back from Egypt

Back from Egypt. It was a fast and interesting trip. Ship was excellent, as were the pyramids and Alexandria’s lighthouse. After the trip I was wondering alot for additional information about world wonders, and I have found some here. The country itself is one huge contrast. They also appear to have problem with beer, but smoking the water-pipe is usual thing.