BLOG:CMS 3.5 Final is out

By means of I’ve learned that BLOC:CMS (NucleusCMS on steroids) version 3.5 Final came out. It has an amazing set of new features and bug fixes. Here is a quote from Freshmeat announcement:

This release adds support for MySQL 4.0 (mysql), MySQL 4.1 (mysqli), and SQLite (PHP5). An integrated Dokuwiki engine was added. Singapore Photo Gallery, PunBB Forum, Atom and RSS readers and aggregators, an “About me/Contact” section, two WYSIWYG editors, and new support for sub-categories were added.

I will hold my urge to upgrade, since it has barely been half a year since I’ve installed the whole thing. I don’t want to lose a week or two now playing with new features, configuring and reconfiguring stuff, etc. I doubt though that I will be able to skip two versions in a row…

Blogs for Kids

I came across an interesting article – “Blogs for Kids“. Author suggests that bloggin is very useful for kids. It helps them to develop a number of skills, which are difficult to teach otherwise.

After thinking some time about this, I tend to agree. Typing, writing, and editing skills with better grammar and spelling are obvious, of course. That is if you can prove to your kid that these things matter, which can turn out to be more difficult after years of your own blogging in poor style.

Communications, I am sure, will develop as well as discipline. Familiarity with technology will increase too.

I think there might be some problematic areas with faith of the Internet though. Also, keeping the time spent in front of a computer in control will prove more difficult.

Maybe there is something else. What do you think?

What file extension are you?

SWFI came across yet another one useless and irrelevant quiz. It asks you about 20 questions and by the answers provided it determines which file extension reflects your personality in the best way. Take it – it is fun. My result is SWF (which is the file extension of Macromedia Flash files). The description of the result is:

You are .swf. You are flashy, but lack substance. You like playing, but often you are annoying. Grow up.

The two questions I have now are: am I happy with the result and should I beleive the results. :)

200 things to do

Once in a while there is some extremely stupid thing that goes around many blogs on the web. This time it is a list of 200 things to do. You put this list in your blog and you mark the things you did with bold. Then you get surprised how many things you’ve actually did already. Anyway, the examples are here, here, here, here, and here.

Read further for my results, if you are interested.

Continue reading 200 things to do


BlogDigger is yet another search engine that uses RSS and Atom feeds from lots and lots of blogs to find information of interest for you. Blogs contains a whole bunch of useful staff these days, so this comes as a handy tool.

It’s interface resembles Google very much. It even has the News section, where you can read the most recent posts.