Working with hashes in Perl

There are several very useful modules at CPAN to work with Perl hashes. Here is a short list to get you started.

I’ve used this article (in Russian) as a base for this post.

Building a Vector Space Search Engine in Perl

There is a very interesting article at It is about building a search engine using perl language. The interesting part is that the article is not about the usual reverse index type search engines. It takes a different approach – vector space searching.

Reading the article reminded me of the few things:

  • The subject of searching is interesting to me.
  • Perl is great!
  • Linear algebra is actually useful and I should take it again (and pass it this time).

Bash prompts

Maintainer of the Bash Prompt HOWTO, it turns out, also keeps a small website with examlpes of different bash prompts. It provides screenshots together with code for some really wicked prompts. If you are into that kind of things, but all of ideas, than check the site out. Maybe you’ll find something for yourself. :)

Port forwarding with Putty

Putty, it seems, is the most popular Telnet/SSH client for MS Windows (although it does run UNIX too). It is small, free, stable, and flexible. It has all the functionality one will ever need (with a few exceptions, of course).

Secure Shell (SSH) provides for a number of interesting uses. One of them is port forwarding, also known as tunneling. It is used when there is a need to pass encrypted information between two hosts while the original protocol for information does not support encryption, or another encryption level is required for some reason.

Apparently, Putty can help poor Windows souls with port forwarding too. This step-by-step tutorial with a lot of pictures shows exactly how to do it. The example used is encrypted email traffic.