101 things that the Mozilla browser can do that IE cannot

101 things that the Mozilla browser can do that IE cannot” is an excellent list of reasons to use Mozilla browser instead of Microsoft Internet Explorer. Of course, some of these reasons can be considered cheats, but still, there is a lot of sense. Forward the URL to people who are on the edge or looking for another browser option. Translations to few other languages are available too.

File formats

Programmers have to deal with different file formats pretty often. Openning files, writing files, converting files, exporting and importing files – all these are pretty common tasks. Files come in different formats. Some are open and well-known, others are closed and proprietery. Wotsit’s format website attempts to collect and document as many file formats as possible. This can come very handy at times.

Programming games

I think that every programmer tried to create a game. At least once. When it happens, a bunch of question usually pops up in the head of the young genious. This website has few excellent answers to the most frequent questions that occur at the beginning stage, so if you feel like creating a computer game but don’t know where to start, check it out.

Apart from general things it nicely covers stuff like shortest path, artifical intelligence, objects, tiles, and much more. These are frequently useful in other applications too.