Dates on the main page are fixed, more photos have been added. No feedback yet.
Category: Site News
This website is very old. It’s been with me for many years. There are plenty of articles which are useful both for myself and the rest of the world. Bit by bit, word by word, link by link, image by image, this site was filled and filled over the years. Technologies changed. Some new techniques and concepts came up. Some old ones faded away. Spending as much time as I possible can (after everything else) on this site, sometimes I manage to introduce big changes – like a new bit of functionality or a totally different look. Not to confuse and scare everyone, I try to be open about the changes that were made. When something big is changed I post a description of what it was and why I felt the change was needed. These updates are published in this category.
New category: Answers
Here goes the Answers section, which I was talking about in the previous post. Guess, I managed to start it today.
Thinking of a new category
Yet another idea for a new section came to mind today. Webalizer reports shows me query strings used by people to find my site in the search engines. Most of these queries allow me to guess what the person who made the query was looking for. It would be cruel of me not to provide the, so much needed, information. Therefor, I will open a section soon (today/tomorrow) which will present queries, rephrased question and answers to those people who found my site in the search engine. Of course, I might be late for some, but late is better then never.
Working on a new site
I’ve spent most of the day making a new site. Simple and tidy. No fancy staff. Lots of pictures. Hopefully, it will be released this week to the public. Stay tuned.
Wishlist updated
Updated my list of books. The more I want, the less I get. At least until now.