PHP : Preparing for the Penetration Testing

Chris Cornutt wrote “PREPARING FOR PENTESTING (@ LONGHORN PHP 2018)” blog post for his upcoming talk at the conference.  I’d gladly attend the talk, but the time and place didn’t work out for me this time.  Here are a few useful links from his blog post that might come in handy for anyone evaluating the security of their PHP application and preparing for the penetration testing:

The above are not a replacement for the talk, but if you are like me and can’t attend, these should at least get you started in the right direction.

Free and Open Source Test Management Software

Quality Assurance is an important part of the software development.  There are many tools available that help with a variety of problems in this domain.  At work, we have already been using quite a few of them – mostly those that deal with automated testing – PHPUnit, PHP CodeSniffer, Nightwatch.js, TravisCI, BitBucket Pipelines, and more.

But the above tools are mostly for software developers.  With the expansion of our quality assurance efforts, I am looking at some more tools and this time around, those that are aimed more towards QA engineers and testers.  One particular area that I am currently very interested in is the tool for test (and requirements) management.

My experience in this area is very limited.  I just know that such tools do exist.  Most of them are propitiatory and expensive, and are used by large organizations.  We are not a large company.  Our needs are simpler.  And our budget for this is not great yet.

So, here is what I’m looking for:

  • A web-based tool to manage test cases, test plans, test runs, and test results.
  • This tool should support git version control.
  • This tool should integrate well with GitHub and BitBucket.
  • This tool should integrate well with TravisCI and BitBucket Pipelines.
  • This tool should integrate well with Redmine.
  • This tool should integrate well with HipChat.
  • This tool must support multiple projects.
  • This tool must support both manual and automated tests.
  • Preferably, the tool should be Open Source software.
  • Preferably, the tool should be free (as in money).
  • Preferably, the tool should be written in PHP, as that’s what where we have a lot of in-house expertise.

If you know of a tool that matches all or most of the above, please let me know.

Continue reading Free and Open Source Test Management Software

MySQL 8.0 release

MySQL 8.0 has been released and it brings the following new features, enhancements, and more:

  1. SQL Window functions, Common Table Expressions, NOWAIT and SKIP LOCKED, Descending Indexes, Grouping, Regular Expressions, Character Sets, Cost Model, and Histograms.
  2. JSON Extended syntax, new functions, improved sorting, and partial updates. With JSON table functions you can use the SQL machinery for JSON data.
  3. GIS Geography support. Spatial Reference Systems (SRS), as well as SRS aware spatial datatypes,  spatial indexes,  and spatial functions.
  4. Reliability DDL statements have become atomic and crash safe, meta-data is stored in a single, transactional data dictionary. Powered by InnoDB! 
  5. Observability Significant enhancements to Performance Schema, Information Schema, Configuration Variables, and Error Logging.
  6. Manageability Remote management, Undo tablespace management, and new instant DDL.
  7. Security OpenSSL improvements, new default authentication, SQL Roles, breaking up the super privilege, password strength, and more.
  8. Performance InnoDB is significantly better at Read/Write workloads, IO bound workloads, and high contention “hot spot” workloads. Added Resource Group feature to give users an option optimize for specific workloads on specific hardware by mapping user threads to CPUs.

Distributed architecture concepts I learned while building a large payments system

Gergely Orosz, an engineer who worked at Uber on the large scale payments system used by the company, shares some of the distributed architecture concepts he had to learn in the blog post titled “Distributed architecture concepts I learned while building a large payments system“.

The article is very well written and easy to follow. But it’s also a goldmine of links to other resources on the subject.  Here’s a list links and concepts for a quick research and/or click-through later:

Registry of Open Data on AWS

AWS News Blog covers the Registry of Open Data on AWS:

Almost a decade ago, my colleague Deepak Singh introduced the AWS Public Datasets in his post Paging Researchers, Analysts, and Developers. I’m happy to report that Deepak is still an important part of the AWS team and that the Public Datasets program is still going strong!

Today we are announcing a new take on open and public data, the Registry of Open Data on AWS, or RODA. This registry includes existing Public Datasets and allows anyone to add their own datasets so that they can be accessed and analyzed on AWS.

Currently, there are 53 data sets in the registry.  Each provides a tonne of data.  Subjects vary from satellite imagery and weather monitoring to political and financial information.

Hopefully, this will grow and expand with time.