GeoJSON – an open format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures
Looks handy. Learned about it while reading the GitHub blog post on announcing the support for interactive display of GeoJSON files in repositories.
GeoJSON – an open format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures
Looks handy. Learned about it while reading the GitHub blog post on announcing the support for interactive display of GeoJSON files in repositories.
37 Reasons Why Life Is Crazier In Russia
Some are truly hilarious!
This is just too good not to share. But before I do this, consider the disclaimer – it (allegedly) happened at Maxim’s school, he then (allegedly) told the story to my wife, who then told it to me. So there might be a few inaccuracies. Anyways …
It’s Monday. The kids are back in the classrooms after a sunny weekend. The teacher is asking them how they’ve spent the weekend, what they have done, and so on.
Maxim’s friend: I was out with my parents. There were a lot of hot ladies at the beach…
Teacher (stunned): What?
Maxim: Hot ladies. He means – sexy!
Teacher: (blink blink … what the … ?)
Just so there is no confusion, right?