SL4A – scripting layer for Android

SL4A – scripting layer for Android

Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A) brings scripting languages to Android by allowing you to edit and execute scripts and interactive interpreters directly on the Android device. These scripts have access to many of the APIs available to full-fledged Android applications, but with a greatly simplified interface that makes it easy to get things done.

Scripts can be run interactively in a terminal, in the background, or via Locale. Python, Perl, JRuby, Lua, BeanShell, JavaScript, Tcl, and shell are currently supported, and we’re planning to add more.

How to get rid of me

I couldn’t pass up the title of the Lifehacker‘s article “How to get rid of people who overstayed their welcome“,  since I am one of those people who pretty much always overstays the welcome.  I am trying to learn the signs, but somehow they escape me every time.  Even after reading the article, I have to say that this one works best for me:

People won’t always get your subtle hints. Sometimes you need to tell an overstayer directly that the conversation and hang out time is over.

Yup.  Just tell me when it’s the time to shut up and leave.  I never find it offending or rude.  Because I immediately know that you’ve probably tried telling it to me in some other way, and I failed to notice.

Given the size of lifehacker’s audience, and the problem described in this article, I have to say that I’m sort of glad, that I am not, obviously, alone.

The Secret Online Weapons Store That’ll Sell Anyone Anything

The Secret Online Weapons Store That’ll Sell Anyone Anything

The Bushmaster M4 is a 3-foot rifle capable of firing thirty 5.56×45mm NATO rounds, and used by spec ops forces throughout Afghanistan. It’s a serious weapon. But in the Internet’s darkest black market, it’s all yours. Who needs a background check? Nobody.

The Armory began as an offshoot of The Silk Road, notable as the Internet’s foremost open drug bazaar, where anything from heroin and meth to Vicodin and pot can be picked out and purchased like a criminal It’s virtually impossible to trace, and entirely anonymous. But apparently guns were a little too hot for The Silk Road’s admins, who broke the site off from the main narcotics carnival. Now guns, ammo, explosives, and more have their own shadowy home online, far from the piles of Dutch coke and American meth. But the same rules apply: with nothing more than money and a little online savoir faire, you can buy extremely powerful, deadly weapons—Glocks, Berettas, PPKs, AK-47s, Bushmaster rifles, even a grenade—in secret, shipped anywhere in the world.