
Most people, yours truly included, living in these days in the cities, are completely disconnected from the earthly things.  Younger generations don’t know how to grow crops, how big a cow is, or how milk or egg comes to be.  And while I am personally not a big fan of all things agriculture, I do realize the importance of species being connected to their natural environment.  And cities are not our natural environment, even if it might really seem so.

Big Picture blog does a nice coverage of harvesting – people, scenery, and machinery.  Even though it’s not a reconnect with nature, it is still a good reminder of where things that we eat and drink every day come from.

WordPress Plugins: Liveblog

WordPress.com VIP blog announced the availability of the Liveblog WordPress plugin.  This is pretty cool for anyone doing live coverage of events and such.  One of the coolest things about this plugin is that you don’t have to setup a separate blog for live blogging.  You can turn any post – new or existing – into a live blog and post updates straight from the front page.  People who have the blog post open in their browser, will see a notification of an update available, like the one the screenshot below.

Pretty cool.

NSFW: Satyromania

This is something I call an unexpected Google search explosion.  They happen once in a while when in a company of Google aware people.  Here’s how it goes.  First, Michael shared this joke on Facebook.

Here is my rough translation, if you don’t read Russian:

– Mom, what’s a nymphomaniac.
– It’s a woman obsessed with sex.
– And how would you call a man obsessed with sex?
– A man.

So, I showed it to a few coworkers and we had a chuckle. Then one of them said that men’s hypersexuality is called satyromania.  Wikipedia, of course.  We had more laughs, as the guy who said that is actually Romanian.  SatyROMANIAN?  And then I suggested that he should buy the domain name.  Which would obviously be already taken.  So we rushed in to check it out.  And that’s how I came across some really good erotic drawings by Mark Blanton.  They are more on the porn side of things, but they are really good.  Here is one of the least pornish ones.  Not safe for work, you’ve been warned.

Continue reading NSFW: Satyromania