What people don’t get about my job : Programmer

I came across this rather lengthy, but definitely worth a read, article about different professions and misconceptions people have about them.  Some of the stories are surprising, some – less so.  Given that there is not one from a computer programmer, I decided to share here my view of it.

It’s too tough to choose a single misconception, so I’m going to limit myself to the top three.  These three are the ones I have to deal with most often.  They vary from person to person, of course.  But I’ve heard the same from a few of my colleagues.  So here it comes.

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Ten years ago : 9/11

Today is a 10 year anniversary of 9/11.  Even though I haven’t been directly affected by the terrorist act 10 years ago, there were still indirect consequences for me and pretty much every other human being on this planet.  “War on terror”, military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, economy defaulting, beefed up security checks in each and every airport, more fear in people and more power in governments – the list can go on.