- GitHub: mamchenkov pushed to master at mamchenkov/Color-Image-Generator http://t.co/zrWHZLk #
- GitHub: mamchenkov pushed to master at mamchenkov/Color-Image-Generator http://t.co/IEyWHvo #
- GitHub: mamchenkov pushed to master at mamchenkov/Color-Image-Generator http://t.co/h583Koh #
- Should I open this cookie? :-) http://t.co/hwDznns #
- @stepanov Google Chrome all the way! :-) #
- @stepanov maybe I can help. Which ones are you missing? #
- @stepanov PDF viewer is built into Chrome for a while now. I have no problem with it. Spell-checker you mentioned before. I can't find one. #
- Just noticed that @fxccforex blog got a much needed face-lift. Looks way better now. http://t.co/6ucKCcp #
- Shared: CakeFest 2011 http://t.co/XgAjitg #
- @LeaVerou @jng5 That's just wishful thinking. By far not a fact. :) #
- @tdh You can, once someone else becomes an Administrator. You can't leave a profile without admins at all. #
- @tdh Create a dummy email account. Use it to admin dead sites. You'll be able to remove yourself then. :) #
- @tdh It doesn't matter who the owner is. If you have admin access (not read-only) than you can do everything an owner can. #